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At the HOAs Gallery, you simply enjoy reading beautiful poetry on beautiful design and print posters to decorate, or hang on your walls at home and office.
You'll also have great ideas for decoration purposes that fit with the pictures you see on the HOA's Gallery and at some 24 galleries including HOAs Animation Gallery, HOAs Design Gallery, HOAs Imagery Poems, HOAs Images and HOAs Image Scripture.
أعيري هذا الجسد
افتحي بطنَ النار
يُخْرِجُ لهبا وثنيا يرقصُ
يحدِّقُ في وجهِ الغار
يدوي الطبلُ -
جسدكِ اسرار
تغتسل بدفءِ القذفِ الأول
In addition, you can view the gallery on HOA (this page) by clicking on the second picture and then swipe, or click the small arrows left/right and expand the pictures.
Click on any picture you want to print posters, or make custom stickers from the pictures you like for your windows, car, or any place.
هل تُخْرِجُ من هذا التيه
أطفالَ النهرِ الآتين
وحلمَ الشمسِ
وتحصد ذهبا؟
The first gallery at Horn Africas Network is at the HOAs Poets Gallery. This is the second gallery page and the third one is at the HOAs Photo Gallery. You can see the rest of the gallery pages at the links above and below.
عشتار انهضي...
ابعثي هذا المدي جمرا
احترقي بتاريخ العصور
لتبعثين النار في ألقي
من الشرق الي الشرق
Think of the inspiration included in the poetry and the designs I used to write and design those snippets of poems from my poetry collection the "Rising of the Phoenix".
تقرعُ الطبول
نحو الشمسِ تمشي الشجرة
تهزُّ الثمرَ
وينتحبُ الغِضاف
بجوفِ الغصيناتِ اللطاف
تعتمرُ اليكِ
المواقيتُ والدموع
وروحُ وصالِيَ الأزلي
And then think of every beautiful and legal way, as explained on the gallery pages to use for decoration at home, office and other public workplaces. Most importantly while doing this, think of your passion too. Your passion could be inspiring online, when you build it.
A sort of aesthetic philosophical poetry referring to the first dialogue between Allah "God" and Adam when he told him not to eat from the forbidden apple tree and he did.
الله هنا في قلبي
أشار الي الشجرة
- يا آدم لا...
وحين الأفعي جاءت تسعي
اخترت حريتي
فكانت الارضُ لها مرعي
It is about the willingness of doing wrong by choosing the wrong approach to freedom, which resulted on him giving the paradise for the earth. But, in fact, it was Allah "God" will, because Allah wanted to be.
فاتحة –
حملتُ هواكِ جُرْحاً شقيّا
انتبذتُ به مكاناً شرقيا
فطلعتْ من هواي زهرةٌ
خجولةٌ ولغةٌ حييه
However, the philosophical point gets to more than that, when it comes to man choice on earth. The man choice on earth is based on his/her passion.
تطلعين من رمادِ عشقنا
الذي اكتوت بنيرانه صدورنا
وتفتحين صمتنا
وتصمتين صمتنا
The thing man loves starts with passion. This is why passion is love. The passion is also aspiration, avidity, desire, verve and zeal. Man has the will to do whatever he wants.
اختيارك العظيم سوسنه
الشمسُ برتقالةٌ
ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا
يديرُ الألسنهْ
But, the level of such freedom is limited by law when it comes to the will of doing wrong that affects other people and harm them.
The will I mean is connected to the passion I mentioned earlier. And then that passion, which refers to love, becomes the basic fever of the integrity of the thing you love and want to give your life to it.
طيفُك الـ "وهبْ"
فعلنا الـ "ذهبْ"
رائعٌ، مشاغبٌ
وثورةٌ غضبْ
However, during the experimental involvement you may find that the passion has an agony, pain and suffering.
حتي تكون المتاريس شوكا
حتي يكون الشوكُ مطعونا
بكلِّ القلب
تنهض دماءُ البحرِ فجرا
ويغْسِلُ الانسانُ عارَ الصلب
All of this is why passion refers also to an ego, emotion, self-esteem, sensibility and sensitivity. The suffering is the most important experiment of the passion, as it refers in arts to the emotional suffering of the artist during creation.
The artist feels the pain of his passion and the passion endures into the sense of being passionate and reflects on the artist to indulge into what he/she was doing, whether it is a painting, poem, short story, a play, a scenario, a novel, or anything has art.
قد كان ظنا
أنّا حملنا كلَّ مواجعِ الأجيال
جمعنا العشبَ للعشبِ وغنينا
صلاةَ الخمرِ يا دنيا
هيّا بصَحْنِكِ فاسكري منّا
من ليس الخمر تُسْكِره
من ضاعَ نائلُه
ينادي الشمسَ، تُحرِقُه
Even when the artist is a male artist, we describe him as being pregnant during creation, until he gives birth to his piece of art. He does that exactly through parturition. This is when pain becomes a pleasure upon seeing his brainchild.
أهذي صلاة الزين؟
ام السهل مدي...
وللحقل نجوع؟!
Apparently, there are some inspiring quotes included from within the scripture of the poetry couplets you see on this page and at the HOAs Literary Scripture, HOAs Literary Works, HOAs Literature, HOAs Love Poems, HOAs Photo Scripture and the HOAs Picture Gallery.
لكِ قد مشينا
فراعَنا ان البحرَ سرٌ
قد هوَيْنا... فهوِينا
في لجِّه الصخابِ فينا
The inspiration is engaging, definitely when you get the poetic language secrets from which you could learn forming, lettering and wording in a poetic way to inspire those people you love, or to do more with in your life eternity.
أُحَدِثُكم بهذا البَوْح
عن جلدٍ يخرجُ منه القوتْ
عن بيتٍ ممتلئٍ...
بالرحمةِ والخبزِ يموتْ
اجتثوا منه الصوتْ
The eternity exists in your words. Your words are your inner sufis figure. You become the sufi of your expression. As an expressionist, you enjoy your life better and you become the juice on the lips of your readers.
هل ولّتْ أزمنةُ الشعوبِ؟
أين زماني...
من زمان ِارتدادِ القلوبِ؟
First, there's a free picture book to rate and take at the iTunes by the title Rising of the Phoenix Picture Book at iTunes.
بونجور يا بلادا شردتنا في المنافي ضائعين
يا بلادا صاغها طاغوت كذابِ لعين
Well, if you don't understand Arabic, think of the images to pretend that the verse is somehow expressional in relevancy with what you see, even when the snippets of poems are a genre of political poetry.
يا بلادا أرضعتنا آهةَ الطينِ الحزين
يا بلادا هدهدتنا نبضةُ الصدرِ الحنين
يا بلادا زينتنا بكلِّ خزيٍ في الجبين
ووزعتنا كسلعةٍ لكلِّ صنفِ المشترين
In this case, you can either use them for the mentioned decoration purposes, or send them as gifts of love to those people you know who could read and understand Arabic verses.
هنا يُحصد جحيمُ العمر
وترشقني عيون السيدةْ "الأرمل"!
هناك طقوس يرقصُ فيها الرائعُ الأبنوس
والحناءُ رونقُها
لهيب الساحةِ المُسْدَل
Send the URL of this page on the HOA Political Scene as through the form at Forward HOA PoliticalScene and get some useful gifts in English that you can enjoy reading and using.
You have many photos to use too at the literary section of the HOA and some great ideas when you respond to the message on HOA Calls. Here are some of the literary pages in English. The Arabic section is below.
ها أنتِ ترتحلين
يغرِسن ميعادَ حضورك،
في جسدي
ميقات سوسنةٍ وسنا،
تُسْقِطُ العمائم
Such snippets of poetry, especially those with quotes would be beautiful and interesting on your car. Political poetry snippets could be useful too to express your point of view and avoid being asked by law. This because the expressions are metaphoric.
ما معني ان ترحلَ الليالي
وراءَ الليالي
ولا يبينُ ومضُ النهارِ؟
ما معني ان تختارَ
من موقِدِكَ الكوني جمرةً
ومن الحياةِ محضَ جدارِ؟
This is so passionate and the passion of poetry gets it thoroughly in two couplets, each by its own title. But, it doesn't start with the prophet as you see in the title. It starts with the wall and then obviously the prophet rises just like the phoenix does.
وغصين زهرٍ قد أشتدَّ انتباها
ونهيد فوقَ صدرٍ استراح
كم هو ليل من خلفها
أطلق سراحه؟
أهو مشي؟ ام هو رقص؟
ام سباحة؟
ام انه وهمٌ صفيق
For love, the love poetry is good not only to work your attraction well, but also to have fun doing some flirts, with the same humour you read on some of the poetry.
أحقا صَوّحَتّ حدائقُ الليمون
فبكيت بالدمِ الهتون
ثم مشيتَ الي صبحِ الشجون
لتري من سحرِ هاتيك الشؤون
للأملود قد رقص َالطريق؟
You have many photos to use too at the literary section of the HOA and some great ideas when you respond to the message on HOA Calls. Here are some of the literary pages in English. The Arabic section is below.
أخرجُ من بيتي ممتزجاً بالدمِ
- استباحَ يقيني وعانقني -
Directive| Etiolate Life| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOAs Cultural Project| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Bookshop| HOAs Poets Project| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Journalists| Love Spice| Political Articles Tips| Squadron of Poets| Superstitions| The Hangover| The Need to Lead| The Sudanese Song Poetry| The Superlative|
The Arabic literary pages are included in the Arabic section of the HOA Political Scene Blog at the best Arabic blog on the Arabic HOA Political Scene platform. Here are some of the pages on that Arabic section, which make this website bilingual:
Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| HOAs Arabic Prose| Caligula the Sudanese| Suakini Cat| The Frame|
شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| كيف أحصل علي مدونة كمدونة القرن الافريقي| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كيف وضعوا وطنا كاملا وشعبا كاملا داخل برواز| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| كاليجولا السوداني| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| القطّ السواكني| البرواز| تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟|
ان أكونَ ناركِ
ونوركِ القصي
يشعُ في مداك
أعلنتُ ان يصبَ شاعري
قصائداً، قصائدا
ليعتلي علاك
You might think of this poetry as love poetry for my sweetheart. But, although the sweetheart appears through the scripture, the metaphor reflects on the state I have in mind, which is the secular state.
It is painful when such poetry refers to what has been once called Sudan... the land of political sectarianism and religious military regimes leaders who make the one million square mile land miserable and fragment it into pieces.
South Sudan was the beginning of the conspiracies against the land of the Sudanese Nile, to satisfy some neighbours.
The fragmentation, however has happened after they have built their own nation of envious spirits, malice and guile, malignancy, intrigues, flattery, laziness, adulation, nepotism and selfish "selfness" with the desire to get rich by any means. The old Sudan people know is dead.
قهار هذا الألم الدافق
أدخلني في جوف زجاجة
غادرها الخمر
رقص الخمر علي الطرقات
فأستيقظ عمر
من أبلغ ابنكِ ان البرقَ،
الثوبَ علي الأبواب؟
أيتها ؛الحاء"، "الراء" -
النبض يعاود دورته
"الياء"، "التاء"
النغم الحالم... عذاب قصيدة
كم ألقت الخطي عليك
من ظلال شريدة؟
آتيك في اليوم الذي خَطَ الغرامُ به
حلماً بدارِ الشمسِ
يا نشوةَ الألقِ المقرقرِ
في إفترارِ الهمسِ
يا بعضَ "تاجوج" لا تفرزي
حكايةَ الذي أمضّه الغرامْ
بين شعرةٍ وشعرةٍ
يرفضُ الفطامْ
Other HOA's gallery pages are at HOAs Poems| HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Sacred Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|
سويديةٌ علي صدرها حمامتان
علي وركيها صولجان
أنعشتني ببسمةٍ
فأحتواني الزمان
ثم انطلقت في الطريقِ
ومن خلفها ترقص بطتان
The title of this poem, when I first wrote it was "Foreign Beauty". But, foreign beautify could be and take any nationality from the perspective of the speaker. It could be Greek, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish etc...
It was in fact about a French girl I told her one day that I can't stand the way she walks and the way she smiles. She has fine lips that make you drop your saliva on your shirt like a baby.
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If so, please do share it with your friends, pin the pictures and comment, or share your literary writing. I'll make snippets of the entries on beautiful pictures like these for you to share.
For comments, use the form on the HOAs Gallery at HOA Political Scene below and get some useful gifts to enrich your knowledge.
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Comments on the HOA's Gallery, or new literary works submitted through the comment form appear at the section of the page, just below the comments form. To follow you entries add the HOA Political Scene to your list of contacts at your email service.
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احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي
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TweetFree poetry picture book on Apple Books. You can use the images on public places for your customers to enjoy, while taking coffee.
You can work the French versions and the Spanish versions of the two books above with me on, one on one bases. Contact Us.
I'll be thankful, if you get one of my books.