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HOA's Dynamic Thoughts Test the Perception of Global Masses!

HOA's Dynamic Thoughts are not only testing the perception of global masses to know their recognition, or realization to external stimuli, but they also light the way for global masses to read these external stimuli from a very different perspectives to reach a solid opinion and attitude.

The public stimulus is examined by lightening beliefs or cultural problems, economical problems, environmental or nature problems, ethical problems, ethnical or race problems, health problems, political problems, and social problems.

The lights on these comprehensive problems get through analyzes into awareness about the causes of these problems and the circumstances they create global, which heavily impact the masses in every place in the world. They reach the era through which these problems are exacerbated.

The two eras of the analyzes are the Cold War era and post Cold War era, which is now called the New World Order. They prove that the last era is in fact New World Disorder. Evidences to this statement are that the world has been affected badly by ending the Cold War.

Through the ending process big states has been fragmented into pieces, many new states are formed after severe wars between their citizens and millions of victims and the flow of conflicts in other parts of the world are continuing to grow. Most importantly, ending the Cold War has paved the way for international terrorism. It is well known that one international power has raised international terrorism through the Afghani gate.

But, not only all of this political deterioration was the result of ending the Cold War. Climate Change has been produced to strike nature too by the destruction of the global ecosystem and epidemics have exacerbated.

So, HOA's Dynamic Thoughts release the energies of the world masses to understand the greatest common denominator between these human crises and how they affect you, as one of the world masses to do something about them all.

TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM ALL is the goal of HOA's Dynamic Thoughts and the combination of global dynamic ideas, which dynamic thoughts have risen from to assemble the world masses in the framework of the Horn of Africa's Network.

The framework is done for the global masses and it is called the LPE of the Masses' Era.

Well, we have two eras which have proved to be complete failures and led the world to bad situations. Now, we need a fresh era and that era should be the Era of the Masses.

How to work out and implement this era is all explained through the LPE of the Era of the Masses.

The global dynamic ideas are built up form regional dynamic ideas that proved to be working excellent to gather the masses to fulfill some public projects I planned in Eritrea and Sudan. You get through these regional dynamics on the following sections of the page to learn more, know how dynamic ideas evolve and how to use them to solve the global problems.

Dynamic Thoughts Planted More than 5,000,000 Eritrean Martyr's Trees ...

Dynamic Thoughts Moved the Sudanese Revolution ..

Dynamic Thoughts to Plant the Sudanese Martyr's Tree ...

Dynamic Thoughts Came with 3 Mechanisms for the Sudanese Revolution ...

Thoughts Stripped the Conspiracies of the Muslim Brothers, the Founders of International Terrorism .

You are obliged to yourself to become a good citizen of the world by following these dynamics to learn how to be and that by solving the problems of the world. To do this, subscribe to HOA Political Scene Newsletter and confirm your subscription and use the Contact Us form to indicate that you are interesting in the good Citizen of the World project and want to know how to learn the Masses Era's project and how to implement it.

HOA's Dynamic Thoughts in Other Languages!

* Romanian: - Ideile Dinamice: Noi suntem masele, alegem guverne, atâta timp cât acestea nu funcționează pentru noi, așa că luăm puterea și schimbăm sistemele politice ACUM. Facem acest lucru prin implementarea învățământului politic cu metodele LPE din epoca maselor oferite de activistul veteran, jurnalist și poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The connotation of the Romanian description is: We are the masses, we elect governments, as long as they do not work for us, so we take power and change political systems NOW. We do this by implementing political education with the LPE methods of the mass era offered by veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

* Romanian: - Perspective Dinamice Românești: Noi, masele, trebuie să înlocuim guvernele corupte ale partidelor politice clasice cu guverne ale maselor pentru a salva interesele maselor, nu interesele elitelor conducătoare. Aflați strategiile și tactica de la activistul veteran, jurnalist și poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The explanation of this Romanian description is: We, the masses, must replace the corrupt governments of the classical political parties with the governments of the masses in order to save the interests of the masses, not the interests of the ruling elites. Learn strategies and tactics from veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

* Romanian: - Gândirea Dinamică Românească: Este timpul ca masele să preia puterea peste tot pentru a pune capăt erei elitelor conducătoare ale partidelor politice clasice și a construi sistemele maselor pentru a înlocui sistemele clasice. Aceasta va rezolva toate problemele planetei. Pentru a face acest lucru, masele trebuie să ia LPE din epoca maselor de la activistul veteran, jurnalist și poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

The insights of the Romanian description are: It is time for the masses to take power everywhere to end the era of the ruling elites of the classical political parties and to build the systems of the masses to replace the classical systems. This will solve all the problems of the planet. To do this, the masses must take the LPE of the mass era from veteran activist, journalist and poet Khalid Mohammed Osman.

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Note this: The second global problem after the problems of ending the Cold War is Climate Change, as you read. So, read about the affects of Climate Change with Dynamic Thoughts at and watch movies containing Dynamic Thoughts at

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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