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The HOAs Literary Works Expand Your Literary Vision!

The HOAs Literary Works will absolutely expand your literary vision, whether you read those works in Arabic, or in English. So, to get the heart of it all, read below the Arabic snippets of poetry and below the images.

Getting the heart of it will expand your literary vision.

This is what you'll achieve through exclusive reading in the HOAs Literature, which includes the HOAs Poetry, some critics, some essays, some quotes and some short stories.

الوجه الطلق، الأسمر طفل

والصوت حمامه

والبسمة حقل،

لأطفال النهر الآتين

في حفل "السامبا"

في عرسِ القرنِ العشرين

يا طلق النهرِ الصوفي

The inspiration on the HOAs Literary Works is excerpted from essays, poetry, motivational and political quotes and short stories, so you can enjoy reading on beautiful images all of that said.

لم أكتبْ أسمَكِ في الزمنِ الراحل

في الأرض

الساكن في الوطنِ المتشقق

لم أكتبْه في النيلين

وكيف العشب الأخضر

 ينمو في الوجهين

يرشفُ فوحَ البنِ الحبشي

ويرقصُ في لهجِ الطبلِ الوثني

يا "سامبا" الوجهِ البحري...

But, the complete works are also here in some books, as you see on the right column and some of the pages some of our readers have published with some of their literary works.

تقف سيارة أخري. تبتدئ لعبة الإشارت البرتقال. تفتح جوعا. تحب البرتقال. يذكرها بيوسف. تمتد يده بالبرتقالة. تقطفها من يده قطفا. تعدو. يعدو خلفها...

يلحقها. تمتد يده، يدا تسابق يدا...


تنعصر البرتقالة بينهما. تنسكب...

البرتقالة تصير عجينا...

نزلت السماء القطيفة و تسيب البرد...

تدخل الإشارات البرتقال دائرة البصر. تلمح السائق بطرف عين. يضع علي رأسه دائرتين سوداوين. يبتسم. تشم رائحة شواء في الخلاء. تتطاحن داخلها صور تتمرد. تتصارع. تمزق بعضها بعضا...

They are all here to inspire you and make your day beautiful, so you could do the things you are doing better, or move with inspiration to create a beautiful environment around you, with you in the center, as inspired expert of your "whatever".

We always say the religion is something individual, very personal and intimate like love, between the individual and God and the state is a secular medium for people from different beliefs and walks of life to live in it peacefully and happy.

The Alphabet of the HOAs Literary Works!

The "whatever" thing could be anything that you are doing, or the thing that interests you regarding literary environment. But, it is not only restricted to literary environment, as you could see, because the literary inspiration could do many other things out of this field.

Great political thinking is not made up today! It has history of good reading in useful and trustworthy resources and some good political practices. The power of political thinking is essential for people to achieve democracy, justice and real socialist systems.

For example, the quotes are inspiring. Among them, you'll find even the political quotes getting you the political wisdom you need to look to some political issues the right way they are.

شعر بفيض من المهانة... و عظمت هذه المهانة او ربما الإهانة في نفسه عندما طافت بخياله صورة "حُميد" نزيل الحجرة المجاورة التي تشبه حجرته الضيقة جداً... بدأ و كأنه يقف أمامه بجسده النحيل الطويل... و جاء صوته اليه منبعثاً من مكان سحيق في أعماقه... عندما كانوا يؤخذون صباحاً الي الممرات الجبلية، ليمهدوا الطريق الطويل لشركات عديدة إنبثقت فجأة... كانوا يقولون و هم يتناولون البن المرًَ بدلاً عن حليب الأمسيات القديمة، "كالنبت الشيطاني"، تختلف في اسمائها الأولي و تجتمع تحت كلمة أخيرة "الإسلابية"... يرون اسماءها علي الشاحنات و الشاهقات، حتي علي لافتات مضروبة في هجير الشمس علي أراضٍ عارية تماماً، ليس بينها و بين الشمس سوي نشوة من عرق التعب الطويل...

The right way to look into such issues is to get beyond the lines of the political quotes to the facts on the ground of the lands these quotes touch in the Horn of Africa and East Africa.

في الأعالي كانت النجوم تحتفي بالقمر... أما هو فقد تحّول احتفاؤه الأول الي عذاب... و شعر بحاجته الي بكاء طويل... و تلفت حوله ليشكر "أبو الدردوق" و قطّه السواكني علي هذه اللحظة التي أتاحاها له ليتطهر بعذابه... الا ان "أبو الدردوق" لم يكن هناك... اما قطّه السواكني فقد كان يمارس الحب مع رفيقة – يبدو انه أختارها في غيابه – منتشياً بسهام القمر الفضيّة الغرامية، خلف شجرة الأراك، و مختلجاً بطريقةٍ فذّة، جعلت "أدروب" يتوهج في عذابه.

Some of the HOAs Poetry Scripture have also some quotes in poetry and you may think that this is the first time to know that poetry could have quotes. Some quotes get you the wisdom included in the theme of the poetry.


حتي تكون المتاريس شوكا

حتي يكون الشوكُ مطعونا

بكلِّ القلب

تنهض دماءُ البحرِ فجرا

ويغْسِلُ الانسانُ عارَ الصلب

I have done such job to include quotes of wisdom in my poetry since 1974 and found that they make my poems loveliest and rich with what life offers in lessons to learn from.


ما كنا يوما نستبيح الظن

او نلثم خطاه

ما كنا غير النار تسحقه

تذرو ذراه

وكانت الأفعال فينا

في يدينا

وفي الجباه

لكنا رجعنا، يا سلام

البحر يرسف في دماه

Look at this poem you are reading in Arabic above and ask yourself how could a sea fetters in its blood?

تجمّعت أمامه صور مختلفة تماماً... وردة ذابلة و سواكنية يسحّ منها الدهن، يفوح منها البن، مملوءة الساقين بشهقات الفرح القديم، كلما جاء من الميناء ممتلئاً بـ "نفناف" البذرة، منهوكاً في الأمسيات التي لم تعد لها ذكري... "أدروب" وحده ربما كان يحمل بعضاً من تلك الملامح... داخل حجرته الضيقة جداً بدأ في إستعادة التفاصيل... كان قد نسي لفترة طويلة ذلك الدفء... لملمته بين نهديها ووركيها... استسلم لهدهدة حبٍ مجهول المدي بين هضابها العامرة و لون يشبه تراب البحر الأحمر الرطب... ثم غاب و لم ينبثق الا عندما فاجأته الركلات الأولي...

Not only the title that has the literal inspiration to run as a quote, but the lines of the poetry include some other scripture of quotes you can see clearly and get the spirit of wisdom they have in common.

أخذ يمارس عشقه القديم في الفناء، و للحظة و علي الرمال المتوهجة باللذّة، تحت سهام القمر الغرامية، شاهد عاشقاً آخر للقمر... كان "أبو الدردوق" في مسيرته "السيزيفية" يدحرج قطعةً من العذرة...

للحظة و أمام الإكتشاف أحتقر نفسه... لم يفعل شيئاً غير الشعر! أدرك ان أتفه حشرة في الأرض تفعل شيئاً مفيداً و مفيداً جداً... "لم تفعل شيئاً غير الشعر!" "و هل في الشعر عقاب؟" بدأ مقدار نفسه شيئاً مختلفاً هذه المرّة... "آهٍ من هذه الصور"... هو بالتأكيد غير قدر نفسه الذي أعتقد لوهلة انه يدركه بين الممرات الجبلية و حجرته الضيقة جداً... كان أمام ذاته مجرداً حتي من ورقة التوت...

The Wisdom in the HOAs Literary Works!

Of course, not only some of the poetry that have quotes of wisdom, but the short stories too. For example, the 3-line preface of the Suakini Cat runs with the wisdom in it. One species of ladybug, or the ladybird works very hard to clean the earth from dirt.

يا قصيدة

تخرج طازجةً وئيدة

من تبرِ تبري

ونارِ ناري

وأفياءٍ مشاعيةٍ بعيدة

لكِ قد مشينا

فراعَنا ان البحرَ سرٌ

قد هوَيْنا... فهوِينا

في لجِّه الصخابِ فينا

She asks the moon if he is willing to be her bridegroom and share with her the oomph and vigour of spiritual pleasure. Ecstasy in her vision is spiritual too. But, the moon answers her sarcastically, "Yes, if you can collect all the dirt on the earth and throw it away".

The Sun, the Sea, the Wedding has also some quotes of wisdom. It starts with talking with this specific poem and addressing it. The poet treats this piece of poetry as a human who could understand what the poet says.

لكِ قد مشينا

فراعَنا ان البحرَ سرٌ

قد هوَيْنا... فهوِينا

في لجِّه الصخابِ فينا

The singular form of poetry, which is poem is in Arabic a feminine formula. Lyrics come normally in a masculine formula.


فلولاً في انتصارِ الصحو

شدنا بأسَنا

ألقاً يشدُّ النفسَ للزهو

وبالزهوِ مشينا

What the poet says to "poem" is that we "the poets" find during the parturition of "her" that it comes out fresh and slow from the fine cut of pure gold and from the deepest, or the heart of the fire.


وشددنا العزمَ

ان نلثمْ جبينَ الشمسِ

ان نفتح يقينَ النفسِ

ان نشهد نزوعَ العـُرسِ

يلقي أفياءً علينا

It comes out also from communal shades, which has been far away to reach. And the poet then tells the poem "her" that we "the poets" has walked towards her.

يا حسنها استهام سارحاً



في بحيرةِ النغمْ

واستمال قلبي الحنين


كطرفةِ الأفلاكِ في بحيرةِ

الوجودِ والعدمْ

But, we are horrified by finding out that the sea, which remains as a secret for poets is what the poets love. So, they fall in its depth, which is in fact inside them.


غارقا في بحْرِكِ اللجين

سابحاً وغارقا

وغارقاً وسابحا

وسابحاً وغارقا

وغارقاً وسابحا


في بحركِ اللجين!

So, is the poet a sea with its own secrets? Could you see how the dialogue with the poem follows to the sea? While the poet is surfboarding and riding the waves he finds the waves inside himself.

سارقته ضوءه كي يكون

في مراثي الشجون

مركباً وسندباد

يطوّف في البطون

يضرب في الآماد

يذري في العيون

كالرماد... كالرماد

Well, as you guess, the sea is the equivalent of "poem", which is at the same time the equivalent of "woman". With all the secrets they have, the poet finds them inside himself.

وانت تطلقين صيحةَ المعاد

الليل يا وحيدتي يقف

كطفلنا الممزق المهاد

كجرعةٍ حقيرةٍ سقوها سندباد

والسندباد لن يعود

من مجدهِ العريقِ بالرماد

The sea, as a symbol is in many phrases in the HOAs Literary Scripture. So, it is the greater common division in the HOAs Poetry Aesthetics.

أعرف حباً أعرف حباً 

يرقدُ بين الجرحِ

وبين الوردةِ

يسكنني الموجُ

ويعلو بي

حتي لكأني بين الموجِ

وبين البردةِ

أعانقُ بدءَ الأشياء

وأزيحُ ستاراً

لحياةِ الكائنِ بين الدمِ

ونبضِ الماء

The Rising of the Phoenix comes to maintain and stream this poetic idea in the HOAs Imagery Poems and to tie many of the poems in the collection with political sense. Get the free poetry picture book at iTunes, just as a thank you gift for reading. Please rate it.

وأدري أن الجرح

يرقدُ بين ثيابِ النهرِ

وهتاف الطلبةِ في السودان

وأدري أن الزمنَ الوحشيَ

تكسر بين حرارةِ جسدِ الغابِ

وبين شعابِ البوحِ الأولِ

في أمدرمان

That happens, especially when the state becomes in the poet's tongue the sweet, or the candy of his sweetheart, who is unknown darling, yet. It is the woman the poet dreams of, who has in fact the equivalent values of the modern, civilized and secular state.

جبار هذا المدّ الضارب

في عنفٍ

جدارَ الغبطةِ والقضبان

جبار هذا الألق النابض

في النيلين

في الأعشابِ

وفي الأغنامِ

وفي الحيتان

The picture of the feminine in poetry is the symbol of the state, which is the homeland. When the poet sings for his dreamed sweetheart, he thinks also of his homeland, which is that state with the modern values of modernisation. It is again, the civilised secular state.

هل تُخْرِجُ من هذا التيه

أطفالَ النهرِ الآتين

وحلمَ الشمسِ

وتحصد ذهبا؟

While the sea is the symbol of poetry in the HOAs Poetic Pictures in the poetry collection of the poet, the river is another symbol. The sea is for its depth, variety of underwater lives, colours of water, the salt and the secrets it has.

The river is for the sweet water, the life it creates on the shores and the long journey and environmental changes on life from its sources until it empties its waters either in the sea, or in other rivers.

The quote of wisdom here in the Speech of the Eastern River runs in a question. But, you have also two meaningful lettering and wording in the HOAs Sacred Scripture, starting from the title of the poem. The question is whether the river could bring the "coming children of the river" from the labyrinthitis?

The river, as the sea also talks to poets. It talks not only of the civilizations that prospered, or still prospering on its shores, but also about different habitats and different styles of life. It also speaks of different cultures and different literary styles.

تموسِقُك الليالي الضالعات

في عنقِ الفرحِ البهيِّ

الساجعات في محاجرِ العيون


إلي حيث اني فتحتُ لكِ

فتحا مبينا

يرقصُ النهرُ عجزا و صدرا

The tree grows from the river, the sweet water and not from the sea with the salty water. But, from where did the first tree in life grow before there was a river and rains to flow in rivers?

تقرعُ الطبول

نحو الشمسِ تمشي الشجرة

تهزُّ الثمرَ

وينتحبُ الغِضاف

بجوفِ الغصيناتِ اللطاف

تعتمرُ اليكِ

المواقيتُ والدموع

وروحُ وصالِيَ الأزلي

The Second Birth of the Tree has the wisdom of life the world knows after the creation of the earth or the world and life on earth. It refers to that first tree and to Adam as the first person created we know about.

أيا امرأةً من جوفِ الغابِ

وصدرِ النهر

عادتْ تهزُّ مجامِرَ الرحيل


عادني الدمُ الوثني

ثم استنفر...  واستنكر،

في اعماقي وصالي...

الي خيطِ الماء

So, the "TREE" is a symbol in poetry too in the HOAs Sacred Poetry. And by this specific nature and philosophy of the tree, the poet has created, the poet is living in his poetry the second brith of the tree, or the second life, with what it really is.

هلا جمعتِ للسـُـري عطــرنا

بجــوفِ المــاءِ سيدتي

يذيبـُـك قَطْـــرةً

ويـطـْلِقُني أنــا

Well, then, we have the fresh water of the river. The water is also a symbol in the HOAs Images, the HOAs Image Scripture, the HOAs Love Poems, the HOAs Poems, the HOAs Political Poetry, HOAs Scripture and HOAs Verse.

... أسقنيـه

هذا العِشْق يطْـلعُ

طفـلاً بعمـرِ السُّدم

يطْـلعُ تمـرا

ويطْـلعُ "جـدولا"

يرمي ثمـارَ الرجـاءِ الدفين

برحـمِ السنين

وبعـثِ المـلأ

Man is created primarily from water, in the poet's opinion. It is the semen of man himself fertilising a woman's egg in which the water is essential component of it.

 تنزلين الربوةَ الفيحاءَ

وادي الزرع


"انتِ، نحن" لي "بنا"!

So, the reproductive fluid of a man only complete the circle of creation when it does this. It does this through a process that gives pleasure to the man and the woman, naturally.

اختيارك العظيم سوسنه

الشمسُ برتقالةٌ

ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا




يديرُ الألسنهْ

In poetry, as you read here and at HOAs Animation Gallery and HOAs Design Gallery such relation becomes inspiring and the unity of components in the process make the water a symbol of many creative things in writing and in other real life experiments.

ما معني ان ترحلَ الليالي

وراءَ الليالي

ولا يبينُ ومضُ النهارِ؟

ما معني ان تختارَ

من موقِدِكَ الكوني جمرةً

ومن الحياةِ محضَ جدارِ؟

Such creation of water makes the consistency in our living, from which we actually come to love each other, because we have the same sources the water has created in each of us, as humans and in things we use to life on.

It specially makes the consistency between a man and a woman to bear their roots, just like the "TREE" in the Second Birth of the Tree.

The consistency also evolves when it comes to any kind of struggle in life. In politics, it is the woman who give a man the consistency to fight for social justice and other human values.

The poet in such human relation, which is the most inspiring and creative relation becomes a prophet. But, not just exactly like the prophets people know from religious beliefs. He is a special prophet who is not only predicting, but suffering and inventing.

In poetry, as you read on the Prophet and the Wall, the prophet comes to realize some values through his own experiences with many hard situations and circumstances. But, even the experiences are his own, there is something communal.

The communal thing in suffering is human. Other people have the same experiences with the same things the poet suffers from. But, he is the one to speak about all of that in his poetry to create communal awareness and make it move together to move the people.

Even at the time of such experiences, and when the poet comes to realize those things and feel somewhat wondering about values, he recognizes that there is a wisdom in taking in all of the values.

In the snippet, or couplet of the HOAs Lyrics on the rectangles of coloured images, the poet is asking a philosophical question. What is the meaning of travelling through nights after nights without seeing the gleam daylight?

He actually asks himself and continues asking. What is the meaning of choosing an ember from your universal stove  and a wall from your life?

The ember is not mere a cinder, and the wall is nor a real wall.

He asks about tendency to get certainty of such things in a philosophical way. And here exactly is what happens during this philosophical experiment. The poets got into parturition to write Certainty of First Tendency.

But, before that he answers his own questions, which jump like bubblegum in the second part of The Poet and the Wall. In poetry this happens to get deeper thoughts about such philosophical issues in the mind of poets.

The poet smells them like a lavender. So, he perfumed them into two pieces and although the title starts with the Prophet and end with the Wall, the Wall is the first part, where the question runs and the Prophet is the second part where the answers run.

The same consistency keeps him writing more and more inspiring poetry, as you read on this page and on the galleries of poetry at HOAs Gallery| HOAs Photo Gallery| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poets Gallery|

At the same time this is a poetry and image page, it is the imagery poems that make your life magenta to get the verve to enjoy it literary, more than you are doing with other unliterary things. It is literature that enriches your life.

So, in addition to the HOAs Literary Works on this page on the Horn Africa's Network, you have some other literary pages on the English HOA version of the HOA political Scene at the following interesting pages:

Directive| Etiolate Life| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOA Calls| HOAs Cultural Project| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Bookshop| HOAs Poets Project| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Journalists| Love Spice| Political Articles Tips| Squadron of Poets| Superstitions| The Hangover| The Need to Lead| The Sudanese Song Poetry| The Superlative|

يعتقني الخمرُ وينثرني ذرات

أمتشقُ حسامي

ألامسُ جمرَكِ سيدتي

يكتسبُ السيفُ لسانَ النار

The Arabic literary works on the HOA Political Scene Blog is at the Arabic HOA Political Scene, which contains the following literary works:

Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Caligula the Sudanese| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| HOAs Arabic Prose| The Frame|

شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| كيف أحصل علي مدونة كمدونة القرن الافريقي| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كيف وضعوا وطنا كاملا وشعبا كاملا داخل برواز؟| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| كاليجولا السوداني| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| القطّ السواكني| البرواز| تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟|

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي

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Horn Africa's Political Tragedy

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