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What’s USHA?

Well, in a nutshell USHA is the hope and the wish, all together for smart nationals in the Horn of Africa to love each other and then build from their marriage one home.

It is a spiritual and emotional union of all believes and cultures in one nation, where the national constitution takes care of developing democracy, equality, justice and socialism in every aspect of life.

It a project to unify the people in the region regardless to their nationalities and that is because there are not big differences between them in ethnicity and even in culture and other daily social affairs.

We'll, as this is a common page about the HOA's Framework, the second page would be very special and is only for members, we expect to join the USHA Framework and learn how to organise their own small frameworks there at home.

The entire Horn of Africa's Framework belonging to USHA is in secret pages for members of this framework to reach, read, write, discuss and publish for other members.

This is so strictly and confidentially designed framework for socialists and revolutionary people only. However, you could find general information accessible from this page and other pages.

I call you... the citizen of Djibouti, the citizen of Eritrea, the citizen of Ethiopia, the citizen of Somalia and the citizen of Sudan to think of only one thing:

That thing is in the following question: How did different people and absolutely very different people succeed and rejoin to build the USA?

And take this into consideration: How they did that, and we as one people in the Horn of Africa are unable do the same in the horn of Africa.

I am ashamed!

USE the form on this page to join the USHA Framework. This form is only to join the political umbrella. To do other things, like joining the cultural project, including the journalists and the poets projects, please use the forms on the relevant pages to each project.

You have many options to choose the way you want to keep in touch with us and read the HOA's Political Scene Network or join one of the following projects as needed according to your desires, careers and abilities.

  • Poets, join the Squadron of Poets here.

  • Journalists, join the Horn of Africa's Journalists here.

  • If you want to follow this network as a friend, join the Horn of Africa's Friends here.

  • If you want to read any information, we publish on the HOA's Political Scene Network, subscribe to the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter here and confirm your subscription by clicking on the confirmation link in the email I will send to you.

  • If you want to engage more by joining the HOA's Framework, use the form, provide more information about yourself, information about some people you know, check the box beside the "Accept Terms and Conditions" and confirm your desire to join this framework.

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