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Is Uganda Standing in Front of Uncertain Future?

Uganda faces new interior political challenges from opponents to shift the political system, as it faces exterior human pressures from donors and monetary powers to bow to their conditions to get aid.

The state overcomes and recovers from a tragedy in the past decades caused by the rebels of the Lord Resistance Army (LRA), which was driven by strange religious beliefs to wage wars in many locations inside the territories and on the borders.

However, after recovering the long period of unrest, the state faces other challenges and pressures driven by the international donors to bow and accept their conditioned aid. The leaders know that conditioned aid is not a human aid at all. - Uganda: The state should remain secular by referring to the ethics of the Ugandan society, the nature of human beings, the sciences and modernity.

New Ugandan Challenges of "Unnatural Nature"!

For example, a very simple issue, which is natural caused by unnatural matter put the aid to the country at risk, when the president signed new laws with legislations of life sentence for gay activities.

Through this issue, which could be explained by logic, the donors cut aids over the Ugandan anti-gay laws.

The Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni welcomed the cuts of aid. He said, such matter has encouraged his state to be self-reliant and pointed out to other African countries to do the same.

He said his state will become self-reliant and other African states should do so. He stressed on the fact that African "should be giving aids" instead of receiving it, because Africa is naturally richer of natural resources.

The logic of the response is that, aid that comes with conditions is not aid and it is inhumane. The second issue is that Africa could donate aids to the world by only using its fertile lands with the wealthy resources included under the surface of these lands.

But, while the response is logically initiated from such facts, the president and his spokesman used the wrong approach to further respond to the matter of the aid cuts.

The statement of the spokesman, Tamala Mirundi, that the president is religious degrades the president and shows him as a man who don't know that the secular state shouldn't be ruled by any religion, although the ethics may be almost the same.

In a majority of a Christian society, the state takes some human ethics, which could be found in the religion and that shouldn't make it a religious state.

There is a slight difference in this statement that differentiates the state from religion, as a civil society with its values in its cultures, traditions and the human values it gets from modernity.

So, the explanation of singing the new laws should refer to the human values of the Ugandan society not to the religious values.

The human values explain that such relation between men is not normal and it contradicts the laws of nature. That is a scientific explanation, not religious.

To respond to such matter, which comes from other Christian societies referring to the religion of the same line is somehow not logical in the term of natural existence of sex, sciences and modernity.

The natural existence of sex includes the natural gender issue, which is threaten by the new claims of conversional genes to create a third sex, which is against the nature of human existence.

Intellectuals in the Ugandan Society and the government should refer to four essential resources of knowledge to respond to donors and other human, economical and political powers in the world. That is because "the state" is a secular concept.

Again, intellectuals in this African society and the government should refer to four essential resources of knowledge to respond to donors and other human, economical and political powers in the world. The four resources are:

  • The ethics of the society,
  • The nature of human beings,
  • The sciences and modernity, which should be used in compliance with the nature of human beings.

Why should they do this?

The answer is simply because the "state" is a secular concept, with material forms. You can't explain it by religious values. That is also because the "state" is a secular concept, which is factual, while religions are destined by metaphysical power.

The response of the president and the statement should be more logical according to the knowledge they have from these resources, which provide good answers to the matter that caused donors to reduce, or stop their aid to Uganda.

This Page About Uganda!

Well, this page about Uganda is also a site map on the HOA Political Scene. It is the site map number 8. It includes many topics about the political development in this country.

It runs in the Horn Africa's Network with more than 14 primary sitemaps I have built on this network and more than 20 secondary sitemaps visitors of the HOA Political Scene Blog and readers of the HOA Political Scene Newsletter have built in this network.

You can read this section page about this country and then scroll direct to those 34 sitemaps to choose more pages about this African state or to read about the other seven countries in the Horn of Africa, plus two countries that have impacts on some countries in this geopolitical area, such as Chad and DRC.

Uganda's Political Site Map Includes!

The First Pages on this African state in HOA's Network:

  • Uganda _ This is what you are reading now. It is about getting optimistic to solve political problems and prepare for good multi-party system. The challenges we have under the political bridge encourage politicians to make good changes!
  • Uganda Country Profile _ provides information about the country's history, geography, population, government, economy, natural resources and human resources and political development.
  • Uganda Political Scene _ Some challenges in the country make the political scene full of expected overall changes to better the lives of the people and to speed more actions for the prosperity of the country.
  • Uganda Political Problems _ Calls on all levels explain that, only after positive changes to the political system and good economical shift to stability, the country's political problems will fade away and the people will enjoy peace.
  • Ugandan Political Refugees _ As the country hosts political refugees from many countries, it has also some thousands of refugees whose numbers escalated after the crises of the LRA and other political crises. This issue is included within the African Political Refugees at
  • Ugandan News _ highlights the recent political development in the country, analyses the political currents and explores the late political changes in the country since the last century. The news are updated at the Blog.
  • Lord's Resistance Army _ highlights In spite of news that says the LRA was defeated totally, other sources says (LRA) continues wars, killing, abducting, raping women and children and escalates the deterioration of the political situation in the country.
  • Write about Uganda _ Thanks to visitors and loyal readers of the newsletter who have sone a great job by responding to HOA Calls to write about their country, or comment on the political topics of this website.

HOA's Site Maps Including Uganda's!

The HOA's Primary Political Site Maps:

Horn of Africa - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 1.

Djibouti - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 2.

Eritrea, HOA PoliticalScene site Map 3.

Ethiopia - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 4.

Kenya - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 5.

Somalia and Somaliland.

Sudan and South Sudan.

Uganda - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 8.

Chad - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 9.

Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 10.

Political Site Map - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 11.

Political Section - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 12.

Humanitarian Network - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 13.

Political Sense Journal - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 14.

The Newsletter's Political Site Maps:

Horn Africas Newsletters - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 30.

Horn Africas Bulletins - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 31.

Horn Africas Ezines - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 32.

Horn Africa Political Newsletters - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 33.

Horn Africas Journal - HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 34.

The Sudanese Political Site Maps:

Sudanese Political Site map 7 A, Sudan and South Sudan.

Sudanese Political Site map 7 B, Sudanese Political Articles.

Sudanese Political Site map 7 C, Sudanese Arabic Political Articles.

Sudanese Site map 7 D, Sudanese Economical Forums.

Sudanese Site map 7 E, Sudanese Cultural Forums.

Sudanese Political Site map 7 F, Sudanese Forum.

Sudanese Political Site map 7 G, Sudanese Forums.

Sudanese Political Site map 7 H, Sudanese Regional Politics.

Sudanese Political Site map 21 A, Write about Sudan.

Sudanese Political Site map 21 B, Comments on Sudan.

Sudanese Political Site map 21 C, Sudan Online.

Sudanese Political Site map 21 D, Sudanese Online.

Sudanese Political Site map 21 E, Sudanese Regime's Political Crimes.

The Eritrean Political Site Maps:

Eritrea, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 A.

Eritrean Political Articles, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 B.

Eritrean Forums Online, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 C.

Eritreans Write Online, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 D.

Eritreans Love Commentaries, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 E.

Eritrean Political Comments, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 F.

Eritrean Humanitarian Topics, Eritrean Primary Site Map 3 G.

Eritrean Refugees, Eritrean Secondary Site Map 13 B.

Write about Eritrea, Eritrean Secondary Site Map 17.

The Somali Political Site Maps:

Somalia and Somaliland - Primary Site Map 6 A.

Somali Arabic Comments - Primary Site Map 6 B.

Somali Political Articles - Primary Site Map 6 C.

Somali Political Forums - Primary Site Map 6 D.

Somali Political Comments - Primary Site Map 6 E.

Write about Somalia - Secondary Site Map 20.

The Readers Political Site Maps:

Horn of Africa's Political Site Map 25: Readers Write Good.

Horn of Africa's Political Site Map 26: Readers Write Comments.

Horn of Africa's Political Site Map 27: Readers Read Good.

Horn of Africa's Political Site Map 28: Comments.

Horn of Africa's Political Site Map 29: Readers Comment.

Other Secondary Political Site Maps Visitors have Built on HOA'S Network:

HOA's Political Site Map 15: Write about HOA.

HOA's Political SiteMap 16: Write about Djibouti.

HOA's Political SiteMap 17: Write about Eritrea.

HOA's Political SiteMap 18: Write about Ethiopia.

HOA's Political SiteMap 19: Write about Kenya.

HOA's Political SiteMap 20: Write about Somalia.

HOA's Political SiteMap 21: Write about Sudan.

HOA's Political SiteMap 22: Write about Uganda.

HOA's Political SiteMap 23: Write about Chad.

HOA's Political SiteMap 24: Write about DRC.

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