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HOAs Animation Gallery!

HOAs Animation Gallery provides beautiful designed templates and posters to print free. The pictures included in more than 20 pages are beautiful, as you see.

The scriptures of verses on those pictures are more beautiful, indeed. In addition, the verses include some inspiring quotations.

Some of the HOAs gallery animated images with poetry are published on iBook on iTunes at Rising Phoenix Picture Book.

وانت تطلقين صيحةَ المعاد

الليل يا وحيدتي يقف

كطفلنا الممزق المهاد

كجرعةٍ حقيرةٍ سقوها سندباد

والسندباد لن يعود

من مجدهِ العريقِ بالرماد

You'll see the beauty of the verses, from the deepest insights, if this is your language. If you only know Arabic, then you'll get a glimpse of the poetic pictures on the poetry snippets on those pages.

Use the posters only for decoration at home, office, or any other public workplace you own yourself.

The animation gallery of HOAs literary works with poetry snippets, short stories and quotes by the poet, short story writer and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman at HOA started with the HOA Calls to spread at the HOAs Poets Gallery and continue to the HOAs Gallery and the HOAs Photo Gallery.

Why am I Publishing HOAs Animation Gallery and Many Galleries?

This is a good question to ask, because there are many photo galleries working as social media for people to share photos, or work on photos and photo animation.

للأماسي يا وحيدتي صبوةٌ ودار

كلما غشيّها النهـــــار

مزقتها شهوةٌ ... دمار

ثم يعلوها الغبــــــــار

Frankly, if I did, I'll never own, or control the photo pages I launch at any photo social media. It is simple to find your account deactivated, or hacked there, because you don't own it. There is a sad story here...

The story is this... I began a photo platform at Instagram with a plan to post 1000 pictures in a month and then start promoting those pictures, sharing other people's interests and do all of that required at such photo social media.

In less than a month, I posted 900 pictures well designed with poetry snippets, short stories and few quotes, all by me. This was not not simple, as it took time and efforts, while working almost 15 hours a day.

The next day, when I reached this number, I tried to post the remaining 100 pictures. When I did the first one, the app reverted to log me out and when tried to login again I got a deactivation message.

There is a difficult method to contact Instagram to tell them what has happened is wrong and you don't think that you have violated their terms.

So, I reached them to fire a report. Interestingly the logo of the report page was not the logo of Instagram, but Facebook. That was surprising, although I know that Instagram shares information with Facebook.

I got a response from the support asking to prove the account is mine by providing a personal picture. I haven't any personal picture to prove that account is mine. But, I absolutely have pictures and other information to prove the account is mine.

سارقته ضوءه كي يكون

في مراثي الشجون

مركباً وسندباد

يطوّف في البطون

يضرب في الآماد

يذري في العيون

كالرماد... كالرماد

The dialogue about this issue continued in three emails to provide the proofs that I own that account. The proofs are first in the URL of my website at my bio at the top of the account.

They are also inside the pictures I posted. That means in 900 pictures. They are in the titles of the poetry, the snippets, my full name and the URL of my website. I also asked them to provide the reasons my account is still deactivated.

I haven't received any reason, but an email to provide a picture "an acceptable image that matches the information listed on the account". That was interesting.

الليل يا وحيدتي قصيدةٌ طويلةٌ

تشجــها الخـناجـر

الليــل غـــــــادر

وانت تلحين فوق وقعك العجيب

كشهقتين للبيان للمرادف الكئيب

وصبوتين تمتحان من أسيً مشبعٍ 


والليل يا رفيقتي ممزقٌ غريب

So, again, I told them that there is no picture by such description that match my account, as I haven't posted my personal picture at my account. But, if they asked for any pictures in my account, I'll then attach some pictures I posted there.

_ ويعيد لنا خلقه – 

كقصةٍ عريقة الأنين

لأنه يا وحيدتي حزين

لأنني والبلاد صحو خاطري

مزقوا.. أحرقوا منابري

قالوا: قف!

لكنما ثورةٌ في محاجري


I didn't receive a response, so I asked myself why not get another account and post some pictures to see what happens, while waiting their response.

لم أكتبْ أسمَكِ في الزمنِ الراحل

في الأرض

الساكن في الوطنِ المتشقق

لم أكتبْه في النيلين

وكيف العشب الأخضر

 ينمو في الوجهين

يرشفُ فوحَ البنِ الحبشي

ويرقصُ في لهجِ الطبلِ الوثني

يا "سامبا" الوجهِ البحري...

So, I created a second account and posted some pictures to get many likes almost from the same people who liked my pictures at the first account.

But, I'll only post few pictures to this account. I don't know, it may also get deactivated. So, this is why I want to do such efforts on a website that I own and control.

We wanted only few pages to include the snippets of poetry on pictures on the Horn Africas Network and thought of using picture apps like Instagram to post and host more than 1000 pictures with poetry couplets.

واليوم تذكرتُ / بعد، لم أعد ألقاك

الوجه الطلق، الأسمر طفل

والصوت حمامه

والبسمة حقل،

لأطفال النهر الآتين

في حفل "السامبا"

في عرسِ القرنِ العشرين

يا طلق النهرِ الصوفي

But, after posting 900 pictures, as I mentioned, we got the account closed without a reason. I personally asked about the reason and got nothing through 4-5 emails to the support. Regretting that I made efforts to post to that account, I then thought of using those pictures on this network.

أخرجُ من بيتي ممتزجاً بالدمِ






- استباحَ يقيني وعانقني -

So, if you are a website owner, use your pictures on your website to get you more traffic and forget about social media. You don't own any of them, but only your website. The important question is why you invest time with others to make that social media strong?

I really lost confidence in the social media for a long time, even form the start of FaceBook, for example, as I had been among the first to join that social media. This is of course, until I got back to my mind to decide taking efforts on my website.

I know, people who don't have websites will continue to use such media. But, did they know that they make millions of hard currency to the owners of such media, only from their efforts. I'll never be the one to make millions of dollars to others, while I am starving.

The social media should pay you to use it. If they don't, be expert yourself and start your own social media to break this concept into pieces. At the end, no one would ever use pieces and all will disappear, until something new jump to the surface.

أمتشقُ حسامي

ألامسُ جمرَكِ سيدتي

يكتسبُ السيفُ لسانَ النار

أفرحُ سيدتي


يعتقني الخمرُ ويجمعني

As those pages are not enough and as long as we have more than one million of animated pictures with poetry couplets, or to use as backgrounds for poetry couplets, so the gallery continued at the HOAs Design Gallery and at the HOAs Animation Gallery. Those additional gallery pages are not enough, though.

So, I published some more gallery pages at the following links with texture to build the HOA's photo gallery from within the network.

HOAs Imagery Poems| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Literary Scripture| HOAs Literature| HOAs Love Poems| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poems|

يمدُّ ليلُنا حكايةَ الغريبِ

للغريبِ خصلةً

وخصلة ينامُ في عيونِها القمر

But, even those pages were not enough, so I added the following gallery pages:

HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Sacred Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|

أحقا صَوّحَتّ حدائقُ الليمون

فبكيت بالدمِ الهتون

ثم مشيتَ الي صبحِ الشجون

لتري من سحرِ هاتيك الشؤون

للأملود قد رقص َالطريق؟

Are those pages the only literary pages on the HOA Political Scene Blog?

No, there are more literary pages both in Arabic and English. We have more gallery pages on the Arabic version the HOA Political Scene at the Arabic HOA Political Scene. Some of the galleries are included on the following pages below the image:

نحن واليّم في سفرٍ

عشية الوجوم

الي لغةٍ بالداخل

للعشيات الحزاني

والعشق المظلوم!

Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| HOAs Arabic Prose| Caligula the Sudanese| Suakini Cat| The Frame|

 شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| كيف أحصل علي مدونة كمدونة القرن الافريقي| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كيف وضعوا وطنا كاملا وشعبا كاملا داخل برواز؟| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| كاليجولا السوداني| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| القطّ السواكني| البرواز| تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟|

Literary works in English on the Horn of Africa's Political Scene Blog are on the English version of the website at HOAs Cultural Project, which includes the following:

Directive| Etiolate Life| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Bookshop| HOAs Poets Project| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Bookshop| Horn of Africa's Journalists| Love Spice| Political Articles Tips| Squadron of Poets| Superstitions| The Hangover| The Need to Lead| The Sudanese Song Poetry| The Superlative|

In addition, you have a collection of pages that connect with the cultural and literary section, even when they get into some politics and humanitarian issues.

HOA PoliticalScene Newsletter| HOA Search| HOAs Data Analyzing| HOAs Political Business| HOAs Refugees| HOAs Refugees Project| HOAs Videos| Horn Africas Bulletins| Horn Africas Ezines| Horn Africas Journal| Horn Africas Newsletters| Horn Africas Political Newsletters|

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي

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Horn Africa's Political Tragedy

Love in the Internet Time on Apple Books

Rising of the Phoenix Poetry on Apple Books

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