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HOAs Literary Scripture Makes You Be the Change!

The purpose of HOAs Literary Scripture is changing political systems. It motivates you by literary inspiration to be the change. You know literature along with its treasure of literary works change the mind through positive development.

As long as this purpose, WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY A GOAL was established first through many pages on the HOA Political Scene Blog, so it was obviously focused on Sudan first. But that goal has developed through the years to make the change in global political systems.

So long as this page is literary oriented, you can read about the political orientation on the political sections of the GLOBAL DYNAMICS along with the motivation to make a change in the global systems. The call to change global political systems is IMPOSED by CLIMATE CHANGE and what it does to our planet.

Here is the collection of HOAs Literary Scripture in motivational quotes and poetry for you and all readers from all of the world to open your mind into serious cultural, economical, environmental, health and political issues in your society. In addition, the literary scripture is included on videos to learn poetry and how to write poems.

The cultural issues could be about the way you understand the outside world. This is a crucial issue to take care of from the following points.

You will notice the ideas of global changes even in some titles of the poems I have written in the early seventies and continued to write. So, this indicates that the global dynamics have roots in the historical development of my mind.

يمدُّ ليلُنا حكايةَ الغريبِ

للغريبِ خصلةً

وخصلة ينامُ في عيونِها القمر

Understanding the outside world is not something to take from your standard way of living and understanding to what life is in your society to understand through it the circumstances in other societies worldwide.

آتيك في اليوم الذي خَطَ الغرامُ به

حلماً بدارِ الشمسِ

يا نشوةَ الألقِ المقرقرِ

في إفترارِ الهمسِ

You need to get out of that box because the way you live and behave is so different from that of the other people in other societies. I and others should also do this when looking to things out of their societies.

This is also because of that you, others and I understand the differences between societies. This means that you should look to what happens in other society from an open mind onto the backgrounds that make that specific society.

This why cultural issues divert, but not to the limit that we can't meet, shake hands and live in pleasure of mutual understanding.

Encasing the dictatorship concept is the premier policy of the religious and fundamentalist dictatorship. So, such policy is the main product line of the dictators, whether they are in military uniforms, or Islamic kaftan "Jubahs".

This is also because of that you, others and I understand the differences between societies. This means that you should look to what happens in other society from an open mind onto the backgrounds that make that specific society.

The Conceptuality of the HOAs Literary Scripture!

The international world peace is built upon this and this why the HOAs Literary scripture opens the backgrounds in simple texture to understand what's going on from the perspective of someone who lived all of these circumstances.

Go beyond the Arabic poetry, quotes and short stories on pictures and texture, you see on this page. Read between the lines in English to get to the soul of the literary works and understand literarily what bad politics has done in some parts of your world.

When you get the soul, you get the literature you need to understand some cultural, economical, political and social changes in that part of the world I am speaking about, which could make you aware of threats to your own society.


 أعطني كاساً من غضبٍ

أيها النادل

ثم فرقع المدينة

فينا من باع رداءه

"رفقة دار أبي



ومملكتي" ‪(1)

The connection I told you about in the first paragraph is also a collection of poetry couplets and snippets of short stories to open the minds of the citizens in the Horn of Africa to serious political negatives in their nation and motivate them to be the change.

تبيع الحبيبة’

شرعَ الحبيبِ

ويبقي هواك




أخاف’ عليك

بعمقِ الطريقِ

تضيع’ خطاك!

The change could be by any means inspired from the HOAs Comprehensive Project, the HOAs Cultural Project, the idea of the United States of the Horn of Africa and USHA and the Masses Era.

Subscribe to the global revolution channel on Youtube, like the videos and share to be active member of the revolution. More importantly, Contact Us to be international hero. I make you that hero.


وشددنا العزمَ

ان نلثمْ جبينَ الشمسِ

ان نفتح يقينَ النفسِ

ان نشهد نزوعَ العـُرسِ

يلقي أفياءً علينا

The ingredients of poems feature the state of misery in many states in the Horn of Africa and East Africa, starting from the example of political misleading that escalates to exporting terrorism in Sudan to change the societies in the area religiously.

The class, religious and sectarian regime in Sudan does that, although the religion is not something serious the military religious regime in Sudan practice.

تطلعين من رمادِ عشقنا

الذي اكتوت بنيرانه صدورنا

وتفتحين صمتنا

وتصمتين صمتنا

- صمتنا لا يكون غير صوتنا

It projects only as a political and economical scheme to control power and wealth and to serve the interests of capitalist sectarian and religious party leaders with their Islamic banks.

تنزلين الربوةَ الفيحاءَ

وادي الزرع


"انتِ، نحن" لي "بنا"!

Interestingly, what they call the Islamic banks "although they are not Islamic at all" are projected Arabian and even African to destroy the national economies in many states in Africa and replace them by those allegedly called Islamic banks.

اختيارك العظيم سوسنه

الشمسُ برتقالةٌ

ونحن في مدارِ عشقنا




يديرُ الألسنهْ

As a citizen in the area, or even a citizen who is forced to flee his state in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, you should be aware of this. It is not only the awareness that you need, though.

طيفُك الـ "وهبْ"

فعلنا الـ "ذهبْ"

رائعٌ، مشاغبٌ

وثورةٌ غضبْ

But, you need to open your mind to think of possibilities to construct or join a positive network that works to motivate you to be the change in your state, even when you are living abroad.

أهذي السيقان تراها

علي جسدِ الحسنِ

قد أشتد رؤاها

او تخطب سواها

ام الذي مشيتَ اليه

قد حسبته حلما يفيق؟

The HOA Political Scene opens this possibility by introducing some useful projects and projecting to take your part into actions to develop what we are projecting to solve different problems of political misunderstanding.

أهي رعشة الأهداب

أم لثغة فيها

أم  لمحة، أم لفتة تشتيها

أم انها كانت نبيهة

فأحكمت الزنار

 علي خصر يضيق؟

In this direction, you'll need to solve public restraints in the standard of people's life, the uneasiness between people and the inheritance of political absenteeism East Africa and the Horn of Africa have built gradually.

They built all of that since the first day of liberty, when the colonised power evacuated those countries in the area to leave them to their own misfortune.

أعرف حباً 

يرقدُ بين الجرحِ

وبين الوردةِ

يسكنني الموجُ

ويعلو بي

حتي لكأني بين الموجِ

وبين البردةِ

أعانقُ بدءَ الأشياء

وأزيحُ ستاراً

لحياةِ الكائنِ بين الدمِ

ونبضِ الماء

The misfortune was (and in some states is still) presented in tribal and clan issues, military coups and religious orientation shifted to fundamentalism and terrorism.

They in fact left them to tribalism marked through the demarkation of the borders between the states of the area, which divided any named tribe or clan in the area between two, or three countries, an attempt to raise future clashes and uncertainty in the entire area, which could demand foreign intervention.

قلبي بين الهضبةِ الشرقيةِ

والنهرِ الشرقي

فأيان مرساي

ودرب اللقاءِ الطويل

بين الشرقين جرحٌ

وشوقٌ مستحيل

They left them also to illiteracy, as they have only educated some syndicates to help them manage administrational issues with the population, as clerks and social helpers in the rural and urban areas.

غنيتُكِ الدم


والنقاءَ طاعةً


في حضرةِ الدوي

اللهُ حيٌٌ


They also left them to sectarian leaders who are in fact autocrats and feudal and who worked continuously from the first day of independence in many states to secure their political and economical interests through decades of illiteracy in their environments.

يا حسنها استهام سارحاً



في بحيرةِ النغمْ

They did this by deepening the illiteracy of the population who are in many societies traditional Muslims by posturing the picture that the paradise lays under the feet of the masters, "Saids" or "Sadah" of the sects.


ان أكونَ ناركِ

ونوركِ القصي

يشعُ في مداك

أعلنتُ ان يصبَ شاعري

قصائداً، قصائدا

ليعتلي علاك

Many of the population are misled and they found themselves connected to those leaders with religious obligations to serve such leaders of sects. They don't know that there is misconception attributed to understanding religion that way.

أخرجُ من بيتي ممتزجاً بالدمِ






- استباحَ يقيني وعانقني -

Religion has nothing to do with the modern civilized state, as the state is a secular concept. Such sects have no rights to get into politics. Continue this at Political Poems.

Sections of HOA's Literary Scripture!

Arabic in HOA's Literary Scripture!

In addition to the HOAs Literary Scripture, you have many literary scriptures on the following pages, so take them one by one to read the textual content below the snippets of poetry and short stories:

The HOAs Literary Scripture in Galleries!

HOAs Animation Gallery| HOAs Design Gallery| HOAs Gallery| HOAs Imagery Poems| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Literary Works| HOAs Literature| HOAs Love Poems| HOAs Photo Gallery| HOAs Photo Scripture| HOAs Picture Gallery| HOAs Poems| HOAs Poetic Pictures| HOAs Poetry| HOAs Poetry Aesthetics| HOAs Poetry Scripture| HOAs Poets Gallery| HOAs Political Poetry| HOAs Sacred Poetry| HOAs Sacred Scripture| HOAs Scripture| HOAs Verse|

More literary works on texture are at the cultural section of the HOA Political Scene Blog. The scripture includes also poetry and some essays in English. Some of the poetry and the essays are written by visitors like yourself. So, take this as encouraging as to contribute to this section.

The literary works in English are at the following pages:

Directive| Etiolate Life| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Poets| HOAs Poets Bookshop| HOAs Poets Project| HOAs Self-Publishing| Horn of Africa's Journalists| Love Spice| Political Articles Tips| Squadron of Poets| Superstitions| The Hangover| The Need to Lead| The Sudanese Song Poetry| The Superlative| United States of the Horn of Africa| USHA| USHA Framework|

HOA Calls to start you with this literary and political inspiration to be active member of the new Horn of Africa from within any project on the HOA political scene, where you could take the political inspiration over by storm and work to solve the political magic and the politics of myth in the area.

Fortunately, you can do that whether in Arabic, or in English. However, we prefer English as it goes to many international readers we want to reach in this atmosphere of knowledge and inspiration.

Just by taking this scope to coup with the Horn Africa's Network, you could bring your literary works to many readers and then we'll find together some ways to produce these works in scriptures designed this way, or help you further print your works internationally.

The Arabic section of the HOA network is at the Arabic HOA Political Scene, where we have many essays, poetry and short stories in Arabic with pictures included. The Arabic pages are below.

Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Freedom Bells| HOAs Arabic Prose| Caligula the Sudanese| Suakini Cat| The Frame|

 شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| تغييب الذاكرة يؤدي الي تفريغ المظاهرات| أدبيات التعليق السياسي حول سياسات القرن الافريقي| إذا الشعب في السودان أراد الحياة| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| كيف أحصل علي مدونة كمدونة القرن الافريقي| علي هامش إحتفالات التغييب الذهني للمواطن السوداني في كل أنحاء السودان| مسرحية العرائس السودانية المثيرة| تراجيديا المحاكاة والشبه بين تشاد والسودان| كيف وضعوا وطنا كاملا وشعبا كاملا داخل برواز؟| العشق زمن البرتقال والسحب الأليفة| كاليجولا السوداني| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| القطّ السواكني| البرواز| تخلصوا من الخرافة السياسية يسلم السودان| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟|

Some of the HOAs Literary Scripture are also on iBook by the title Rising Phoenix Picture Book at iTunes. Take it and please rate it when you do.

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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