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The Global Problems Save Your Life!

You may be wondering how Global Problems save your life! No wonder, if you read the statement on the headline with an open mind... a mind that explores easily from the first blink behind the lines of words. Yeah, I do that, you may say, but many don't and this is why we have many problems in the world. Reaching the magnitude of these world's problems, the statement of "save your life" goes right through the analyses of these problems with the suggested solutions to save your life.

The World's Problems threaten your life, because in their generality they reach you even inside your homeland and your home, easily through many ways, that you might not have any clue on.

How can problems happening in the world threaten your life?

The World Problems threaten your life, because in their generality they reach you even inside your homeland and your home.

How can that happen?

It happens, because many of the problems in the world have political causes. Politics is practiced by governments that are either based on what they call democracy, or totalitarian governments.

When politics causes these problems, it does not only occur internally in each country, but affects other countries, especially through economic influences, climatic influences, health effects caused by the climate, or influences that cause internal and international conflicts, which threaten many of societies in the world.

Now, you become aware. So, how do you solve your global problems and feel that you are safe, secure and strong?

World Problems enlighten you, wake you up and make you perfect in everything you are doing in your life and essentially the highlights to world's problems save you from many problems, you never thought of, including health problems and security problems related to conflicts and international terrorism. The highlights answer these questions:

  1. Do you know the details of the world's problems?
  2. How do the problems of the world combined affect you?
  3. How do you save yourself and the people you care about from the bad effects of the world's problems?
  4. How do you become more intelligent and thus politically aware of the backgrounds of the world's problems and how do you make people aware?
  5. What will you achieve, when you become active and activate the people you care about to take care of the problems of the world that effect everyone badly, when they enter even their homes?
  6. How could your activities and the activities of the people you love become effective positively to change the miserable situations of the world and make it a safe place to live in for everyone?

You may think that you are a weak and lonely person and cannot contribute to saving yourself, your family and your country from these problems. But no, I have prepared the way for you to be strong and for you to have a strong group of activists to work on the salvation of the world. Subscribe to the political newsletter. Fill out the following form.

World's Political Security Problems: Do You Know the Details of the Global Problems?

Do you know and do people know that there are a lot of problems in this world you live in today?

Do they not realize that these problems affect their lives?

Do they not feel these problems? Are many people unconcerned about the many problems that have befallen the world and left it bereft?

Are they indifferent because they don't feel these problems?

Are they indifferent to these problems because they know there is no solution to them?

You, dear reader, may be wondering about these problems that I am talking about, because you do not feel them, or you do not realize that they are problems. Perhaps you might not have such feeling because you do not feel that there is any problem in your life.

This feeling is just a dull feeling. Why?

Because there are many problems in the world and you do not feel them, if that is the case. That's why I ask you, so what is climate change?

Is it not a problem affecting your life?

What is the coronavirus and other epidemic viruses that emerge with climate change?

Aren't they the most deadly problems that threaten your life?

In addition to all these serious questions, what is international terrorism?

Isn't it a problem that threatens your life and the stability of the world?

Isn't your feeling that there is no problem is a dull feeling?

Describing your feeling and how you feel, if you really have such a dull feeling, is not an abuse, insult, or offence, but rather a positive description of that feeling in order to work on purifying your feelings.

A serious insight into these problems that I have mentioned and a serious thinking about them with a clear vision of transparent insight can purify your feelings. Knowledge can make you certain that you need to work in the light of leading revolutionary indicators to solve these global problems.

World's Socio-political Problems: Connecting all Global Problems to Each Other

Many of the global problems are social created either by politics and religion, or both of them. I'll show you these global problems, which are actually global crises and their association with each other. They effect many societies, especially when ethnic and territorial divisions enter through ethnic, racial and religious provoked stimulants.

This is regarding for example territorial conflicts like what has happened in the Eastern Bloc during the operations that aimed to fragment it and in China, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. In addition to socio-political problems, there are many other global problems, as you can see through the lines.

I will begin with the age, or the epoch, or the era, or period, or the time, after which all these global crises, which affect you and everyone else on this earth, began to worsen.

You will notice that these global calamities, or catastrophes, or disasters began to worsen after the end of the Cold War Era, and thus the end of the Cold War Era is the appropriate, or the right date to follow up on the calamities that began to befall the world and afflict you and the other people.

The end of the Cold War Era is not an issue that has happened just like that alone and without the existence of political factors that contributed to ending it. This is an indication of the fact that nothing as such could happen without effects, or reasons that made it happen. The effects and the reasons are in the circumstances in which political events arose that led to thinking about ending the Cold War Era.

This means that there were political conspiracies brilliantly / ingeniously planned to end the cold war era and begin / start what became known as the New World Order, a system, which has been planned by the powerful global capitalists powers to take control of the world alone / unilaterally.

Well, why would I say to be alone in controlling / dominating the world?

It suffices you to know that the cold war Era represented the international / global political balance between two world powers that were: the Soviet Union, which represented the communist forces / powers, or the international socialist forces and the United States of America, which still represented the strong international capitalism powers.

This means that, through that balance of a strong international political system consisting of two powers, neither of them can control the world alone, because the other political forces will stand against it.

That was the political reservoir, or political balance, or the international political balance between the global political powers.

As such an international political balance consisting of two global political powers affect international capitalism power, so it has planned its political conspiracies / plots to strike at that international political balance for individuality in the world to monopolize it and control its economic resources.

Since such an international balance of political powers was positively resulting in world peace, despite the threats of using nuclear power, used as media propagandas, hasn't the world not been more peaceful and free of problems than the world today?

Isn't ending the Cold War Era not the direct results of the aggravation / exacerbation of the world's problems?

Doesn't that seem obvious to you?

There were political circumstances / conditions that the capitalists powers exploited to carry out their political conspiracies. Those political circumstances were in Afghanistan, where the Soviet Union had a 20-year treaty of friendship with the communist Afghan government.

Those conditions were also in Iran, where Shah Reza Pahlavi was ruling the Kingdom of Iran, which was an ally of the United States of America. I will simply explain these international political contradictions to you, so that you understand them well, dear reader.

Afghanistan & Iran: The Use of Religion in Political Conflicts is One of the World's Social Sectors Problems

Why this worst problem is a social sectors problem?

The simple answer is that it effects the societies badly. The "behind the scene" answer redirects to political impulses that provide the blood for this monster, which is created by capitalist powers and called International Terrorism to grow magnificent and pose serious threats on international peace and thus endanger the lives of everybody on this planet, no matter what international powers reach a compensation with the terrorists, or not.

Iran, like Afghanistan, is under Islamic influence. This raises a lot of global concerns, when it is linked / related to the industry of international terrorism and to the position on international terrorism.

Understand the religious situation here. The International capitalism is under Christian influence. Islam and Christianity are two different religions. Communism is not a religion and it stands against religious beliefs.

Are you now becoming aware of the relationship of the union of religious belief / faith, despite its differences and the possibilities of its work in coordination against the communist forces?

You don't have even to have a brilliant mind to understand this point, as it is crystal clear and shining like a diamond... I love you Rihanna ;-)

This is an issue in which religious belief... religious doctrine has been used in the scientific political and economic struggle.

The second issue is how would the world's capitalist power, in accordance with its faith benefit from Afghanistan's religious status to work with armed Muslim elements and help them get rid of the communist Afghan government and the Soviet presence in Kabul.

Another matter is the issue of the economy. As religion does not have a clear and strong position regarding the state’s possession of wealth, so it is like capitalism, freeing and liberating the economy.

It does not require for the state to limit it along with the available means for acquiring individual wealth for people, which can be surrounded by illegal practices that appear in the illegal ways of acquiring wealth.

Illegal ways include bribery, corruption and other immoral practices, which are all corruption to obtain wealth and accumulate it to serve the wealthy, in addition to the exploitation of simple human beings, such as workers who are proletarians for more wealth.

These issues are defined and limited by communism as an economic system based on state control over the economy and capital movement, which ultimately aims to benefit all citizens in the state.

Secular & Religious Conflicts in Iran & Afghanistan: Interchanging American & French Roles

Here, it is necessary to refer to another matter of political power, namely France and its contradictory / contrary role in the religious-ideological struggle. This indicates that there was no clue on heavy impacts of religion on politics. No one recognized that.

This was also one of the mistakes of democracy, as the freedom of beliefs has always a misconception through which bad people use it to do to perform harmful actions (i.e developing extremist system, like terrorism).

So, through such democracy, which was definitely a cliché of democracy, France contributed to the development and success of Khomeini's Islamic movement, which has been described as the Islamic Revolution, which in terms of this description seems to be a clear f*ng contradiction to the word revolution.

It is contradicted with this term "revolution" in philosophical, political and intellectual implications, which are related the concept of revolution. I will put it as "Philo-political", referring to socio-political philosophy, no matter that empty minded people speak about liberalism political philosophy and Islamic political philosophy. That's because the religion is not a politics and liberalism, well... it is a nightmare, as it is driven by capitalism.

As a general concept, the term revolution in the general sense means any movement of change or any revolution. But the general meaning of the revolution used here to describe Khomeini's Islamic movement is incapable of philosophical logic.

World Edu-Science Problems: Islamic Movements are Not of Any Revolution, Because... They Lack Science

The average reader of the word / term revolution and no matter how is cultured, or educated, or both educated and sophisticated, takes it in consideration of any revolution. What about you, dear friend? Use the COMMENTS for to get your opinion in.

S/he does not think that the word "revolution" in its contextual original implicit meaning and uniqueness is a movement that occurs to accomplish / achieve a change in a bad, negative, or late to good situation to a advanced good, positive and developed situation.

Simply put, the revolution is not a backward movement as Khomeini's Islamic movement, or the Taliban's movement.

Here, we have three points to determine the course of this political discourse. The points aim to 1. define and thus determine the concept: 2. the line of error around it, which creates intellectual shallowness of the readers, whether they are average readers, sophisticated, or PhDs and 3. the cultural-literary and political indicators related to the concept of revolution, as a unique contextual term.

Por lo menos dialectically, any revolution cannot be a reactionary revolution, a regressive revolution, or a backward revolution, including what is defined as the counter-revolution, which in many cases has proved to be backward movement.

World's Open-democracy Illusion: Centre-right France and Khomeini's Backward Islamic Movement

We return to refer here to France's negative role during the creation and development of Khomeini's Islamic movement, which succeeded on February 11, 1979 in establishing the Islamic Republic of Iran, with another mistake in associating and linking the word "republic" with an "Islamic" one, or with Islamism, a matter that carries a clear contradiction between the two concepts, and this includes the contradiction between the terms "political" and "religious".

Khomeini began his movement since he arrived in France on October 6, 1978, and the centre-right regime was in power with early political experience, premature knowledge,

The leaders of such a regime were not familiar, or aware of clear political knowledge regarding the relationship of the religious conflict that is being politically directed, or its broad objectives and purposes, oriented towards the whole world.

Despite the lack of knowledge, the evidences may indicate and suggest that France did not imagine that a movement like Khomeini's could take off a powerful regime such as the Shah's, which has relied on the American support from power.

In the other hand that might not be the official awareness, or might be that the centre-right regime had interests in Iran that it could achieve by creating more internal conflicts, or it might have expected the success of the secular activities in Iran.

That was until the period of the outbreak of political unrest in Iran in October 1977, which preceded the achievement / completion of change in Tehran. That was the worst backward achievement in the history of Iran, when we consider that the term "state" constitute a secular concept and not a religious one.

World's Religious Problems Cause World's Social Class Problems

The insurrection was led by secular elements led by the Communist "Tudeh" party, which was the first political activist to mobilize the Iranian street, and religious elements, with a great difference between the weak secular political forces and the dense religious forces, at the same time when political backwardness was prevalent in Iran.

Nevertheless, some French political powers argued that the success of the secularists could achieve a development in the Iranian-French relations, which would serve France more.

As for the American ally who supported the Shah, it saw the possibility of success of the Iranian left could achieve. Therefore, the American ally support for Khomeini’s movement began clandestinely secretly under the leadership of American President Jimmy Carter, as indicated by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

This American role is also similar to the American role in the making of Islamic groups that built up the international terrorism in Afghanistan. This could indicate precisely how the religious beliefs, or doctrines, or faiths could work together against Communism, which is not a religion.

If you can't understand this, or get it easily into your mind, then you may need to open your mind a little while reading more about the Cold War Era through the Global Dynamics sections, which come in 244 enlightenment lessons.

Destroying the Connection of Global Problems:

The Global Dynamics are Solutions to all Global Problems

The leading solutions to the world's crises have not yet been found / reached, nor even simple soulutions by any party, whether social, economic, scientific or political, because, as evidenced by the reform experiments, no government institution, human rights organization, environment organization or economic association has found any solution to the global problems. If they did, how is the world still constantly warming, why do epidemics and terrorism continue!

Therefore, the definition of pioneering solutions to the crises of the world i have come up with is not just a claim, or a dream, or a flatulence, but rather based on a scientific method of an intellectual platform (any of which you can create by the help of the Action Guide and Global Dynamics), which is in turn based on some of the political public experiences that I have previously conducted, to test the assembly and organization of the masses to carry out environmental, national and revolutionary activities.

I say that solutions to the global problems have not yet been reached, because thinking of appropriate solutions to address the universal problems should not come from within the governing agencies that have caused these many problems that afflict the world, because they have realistically failed to address the world's problems.

The clear evidence is the persistence and escalation of these global problems since the conspiratorial operations of international capitalism to end the cold war era in the eighties (1980s).

What does all this mean?

This means that we cannot in any way expect and wait for those who have failed continuously to solve the disasters of the world to contribute to methodological scientific management to the calamities they have caused.

This is because it is their ill-advised and unwise policies that have produced these bad results that appear in nature, economy, politics, society, health and even in the correct and proper understanding of everything that is happening in the world.

Doesn't that sound obvious to you?

So, what are you waiting for until this moment and still don't take action, despite all the knowledge I have provided to you?

Does it not worth your time to say thank you for this knowledge and to be responsive and effective by subscribing to the HOA Political Scene Newsletter?

I must repeat and affirm this saying again: We cannot, of course, expect those who have caused the interior and international problems to recognize and acknowledge them and condemn themselves.

We cannot expect them to work to correct these problems, especially if there are some economic benefits to them in their existence. Yes, there are official admissions of some mistakes, and there are ministers who resigned due to some problems, but is this evidence of the seriousness in dealing with the problems they caused?

The other issue is that we have not yet heard of governments declaring that they are responsible for climate change and the global warming that has produced it.

Rather, all statements point to the responsibility of human beings alone, and therefore governments direct humans towards rational use of means of life, as if the whole issue is because of them and not because of the capitalist industries of the private sector and even the industries of the public sector.

The Global Action Guide is Your Political Bible

Join the LPE for Global Crises Solutions to Solve Your Global Problems

First of all, I am not suggesting anything religious by saying the "political bible". This expression is intended only to express good human values and morals. A correct understanding will never lead to political shallowness and thus many global problems.

Start with these steps to join the LPE of the Masses' Era with its groundbreaking solutions to global chaos, global crises and thus global political problems:

* Join by filling out the 'Contact Us' form. Tell me you've read the miraculous solutions to global crises, as well as political shallowness and global dynamics. Tell me that you understood what you read about global problems along with the highlighted cultural superficiality and would like to align with the global masses. Assure me that you have learned well from the Breakthrough Solutions to World Chaos and political shallowness and so you are determined to join the ERA OF THE MASSES.

* Immediately sign up for the HOA Political Scene Newsletter via the form on GLOBAL PROBLEMS and submit it. View an email with a confirmation link, I'll send you. If you can't find it in your incoming messages, please check your junk folder and move it to your inbox folder. You can read about the newsletter at the link provided.

* Forward HOA Political Scene to your friends, including the link of global problems, as follows: Encourage them to read it and join the pioneering solutions to global crises, and take the same actions outlined in the Action Guide.

* Start working with them so that more friends and “friends of their friends” will join the discussion about global crises, political shallowness, and the lack of political depth. You should at least make a few hundred contacts explaining to them everything you have learned and understood from the solutions to world crises, lack of cultural political depth, and global dynamics.

* Sort your contacts into lists with basic information about each contact, such as name, age, gender, location, and email address. This way, you will guide and organize them into groups. I will tell you the specifications of these groups. Upon completion, please use the contact form to submit this information. Please note that you have their consent. Then use the same form to tell me you've done the first process and wait for further instructions.

* Write your comments on global problems and groundbreaking solutions to global crises, and provide details on the topics you read here and in the Global Dynamics sections. Don't feel like you can't do it, even if you can't write. Just write your comments in any language and I will edit and translate it for you to become a global writer.

This will make you a professional writer and you will see a better result in the process of participating in the breakthrough solutions to global problems. Share your page when it is published.

* Share links to global dynamics, including global problems, and share the global political campaign posters on good websites. Please don't do this on Facebook because it is a capitalist umbrella. Then distribute and hang the posters of secular political campaigns in public places. It would be good if you or your friends have public places such as bars, clubs, cafes, hotels, public companies and restaurants.

* Read about the nature problems we face around the world, including the effects of climate change on many places and on people, as you read on global problems at This is a site dedicated to the effects of global warming that you read about here politically on global problems.

* Watch documentaries and films about the crises of nature caused by classical regimes, and documentaries about global problems at This is another site oriented to cinema and television that offers among documentaries cinematic analyzes about everything that is happening in the world and lessons on how to install channels and watch movies free, so you don't need to pay for that.

** Please, if you find anything that does not make sense to you on global problems, use the feedback form to write about it. I will answer your questions and reward you for it by offering you some good books to read and learn more about how to improve your life.

The Sections of the Global Dynamics Solve Global Problems & Make Your Life Better

You have my dear respectable reader who shares the usefulness written by enlightened minds, you have a lot of lessons here on to learn from the realities of these all-encompassing crises that the world is experiencing today, which have been growing since the end of the Cold War epoch or by other words the Cold War Era.

These facts include political crises that have caused climate crises, social security crises, health and economic crises, as well as cultural crises that are linked to incorrect thinking and understanding of everything that is happening in our world today.

In this direction, this cultural and political window helps you to look clearly at all the problems of the world to know and learn their nature and how to address them. Treatment is not done without knowing the disease to bring the appropriate medicine for it.

The appropriate medicine is to eradicate / root out the policies that have caused and are still causing all these global problems and which are in fact the disease that afflicted our world.

In every part of the pioneering Global Dynamics to solve global problems I innovated a quick recap of the Dynamic Ideas and their main advantages. While the recap is below, the dynamic linked pages give you the details.

You are credited with sharing the links to these pages, only the links, as long as you have benefited from them, and to pay back the gratitude for the facts that you have benefited a lot from.

Addressing global problems is the only way to prevent the dangers of the impact of these problems on your country. After the end of the Cold War era, many countries came under the influence of single political forces that direct international policies and have a strong influence on many countries.

These countries, affected by one political force, have become orbiting those political forces that dominate the world. Such a politics of hegemony is one of the global problems.

These global political problems lead to other problems, such as the problems of the economy and its dependence, the problems of climate and nature, the problems of epidemics that appear due to the change of weather and others, and the problem of international terrorism created by those dominant political forces.

To address these global problems, it is necessary to read with an open mind, a window of insight, and sound logical thinking. This is what the global dynamics, which I created through experimenting with some methods of mass awareness and mass gathering to carry out some revolutionary popular activities, including activities to protect the environment, revive the climate, and mobilize the revolution.

Therefore, looking at every page of global dynamics is an imperative necessity to learn from them the methods of changing the state of the world by addressing global problems. The scientific method for changing the world is included in the LPE of the Age of the Masses.

Global Dynamics 1 Accelerate Solutions to the Academics Global Problems

Global Academic Problems - World's Educational Problems: Accelerated and Advanced Pioneering Solutions to World's Academic Problems in the Time of Climate Change, Which is Causing Political Adversity, to Save Your Life, Accomplished on Videos: How Do You Accelerate an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-1: A course with aesthetically amazing cultural, environmental and geopolitical revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 2 Access Solutions to Armaments Global Problems

Global Armaments Problems - World Biochemical Weapons Problems - World Biological Weapons Problems - World Munitioners Problems - World Munitions Problems - World Nuclear Problems - World Weaponry Problems: Accessed Aesthetic Solutions to World's Armaments Problems (Military Industry), in the Time of Environment Degradation, Causing Political Anarchy, to Save Your Life Achieved on Videos: How to Accomplish an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-2: Aesthetics of the mind blows innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Exacerbating Global Dynamics 3 Accomplish Solutions to Arts Global Problems

Global Arts Problems - World's Artistic Creativity Problems: Accomplished Astonishing Solutions to World's Arts Problems and Global Deterioration Caused by Political Backwardness to Save Your Life Achieved on Videos: How to Achieve an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-3: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 4 Accumulate Solutions to Global Atmosphere Problems - Atmospheric Global Problems

Global Atmosphere Problems - World Atmospheric Problems: Accumulated Breathtaking Solutions to World's Atmosphere Problems and Global Dissatisfaction Caused by Political Calamities to Save You Adapted on Videos: How to Adapt an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-4: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 5 Achieve Solutions to Authoritarianism Global Problems - Global Dictatorship Problems - Totalitarianism Global Problems

Global Authoritarianism Problems - Global Dictatorship Problems - Global Totalitarian Problems - World's Authoritarian Problem: Achieved Creative Secular Solutions to World's Authoritarianism Problems and Global Insecurity Causing Political Catastrophes to Save Your Life Advanced on Videos: How Do You Advance an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-5: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Distinctive Global Dynamics 6 Acquire Solutions to Beliefs Global Problems, World's Doctrine Problems, World's Religious Problems

Global Beliefs Problems - World's Doctrine Problems - World's Religious Problems: Acquired Exciting Solutions to World's Beliefs Problems and Global Peace Threats Caused by Political Conflicts to Save You Arranged on Videos: How Do You Argue About an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-6: Aesthetically innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 7 Adapt Solutions to Biology Global Problems, Global Biological Problems

Global Biology Problems - World's Biological Problems: Adapted Extraordinary Solutions to World's Biology Problems and Global Warming Caused by Political Conspiracies to Save Your Life Assessed on videos: How Do You Arrange an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-7: Innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 8 Advance Solutions to Capitalism Global Problems, World Capitalists' Problems

Capitalism Global Problems - World Capitalists' Problems: Dynamic Fabulous Solutions to World World's Capitalism Problems and Health Deterioration Caused by Political Corruption to Save Your Life Based in Videos: How to Begin an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-8: Revolutionary, cultural, environmental, geopolitical and aesthetic lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Evolutionary Dynamics 9 Approach Solutions to Global Chemical Problems

Chemicals Global Problems: Approached Fantastic Solutions to World's Chemical Problems and International Terrorism Causing Political Crises to Save Your Life Built in Videos: How to Best Prepare an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-9: Revolutionary, cultural, environmental, and geopolitical aesthetic lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Extraordinary Global Dynamics 10 Assess Solutions to Cinema Global Problems, World's Cinema Problems

Cinema Global Problems: Assessed Futuristic Solutions to World's Cinema Problems and Nature Crises Caused by World Disability to Save Your Life Carried out on Videos: How to Bridge an International Revolution? Episode 1-10: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons with aesthetic visions in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Futuristic Global Dynamics 11 Build Solutions to Climate Global Problems, Global Warming Problems

Climate Global Problems - World's Global Warming Problems: Built Impressive Solutions to World's Climate Problems and Political Backwardness Causing World Disorder and Insecurity to Save Your Life Clarified on the Videos: How Do You Build the Grassroots of an international revolution? Episode 1-11: Revolutionary aesthetic, innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Leading Global Dynamics 12 Classify the Leading Solutions to Clinical Global Problems, World Pathological Problems

Global Clinical Problems - World's Pathological Problems: Classified Incredible Solutions to World's Clinical Problems and Political Calamities Caused by Cliché of Documentaries to Save Your Life Classified on Videos: How Do You Carry Out an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-12: Revolutionary aesthetic, innovative cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 13 Consolidate Effective Solutions to Conspiracies Global Problems, World Plots Problems

Conspiracies Global Problems - World Plots Problems - Plots Global Problems: Consolidated Innovative Pioneering Solutions to World's Conspiracies Problems and Political Catastrophes Caused by False Documentaries to Save Your Life Combined into Videos: How Do You Centralize an international Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-13: Aesthetically revolutionary innovative environmental cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 14 Constitute Solutions to Culture Global Problems, World's Cultural Problems

Culture Global Problems - World's Cultural Problems: Constituted Inventive Solutions to World's Culture Problems and Political Conflicts Caused by Classic Political Parties to Save Your Life Commenced on Videos: How to Complete an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-14: Creative eco-cultural and geopolitical Lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 15 Construct Solutions to Documentary Global Problems, World's Documentaries Problems

Global Documentary Problems - Documentaries Global Problems: Constructed Insightful Solutions to World's Documentary Problems and Political Conspiracies Caused by Classic Systems to Save Your Life Completed on Videos: How Do You Create an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-15: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical creative lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Dynamics 16 Create Solutions to Ecology Global Problems, World's Ecological Problems

Global Ecology Problems - Ecology Global Problems - World's Ecological Problems: Created Knockout Solutions to World's Ecology Problems and Political Corruption Caused by Irrational Politics to Save Your Life Composed on Videos: How to Develop an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-16: Revolutionary creative secular geopolitical, environmental and cultural lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Global Social Class Dynamics 17 Customize Solutions to Economy Global Problems, World's Economical Problems

Global Economical Problems - Economy Global Problems - World's Economy Problems: Customized Magnificent Solutions to World's Economical Problems and Political Crises Caused by Political Backwardness to Save Your Life Condensed on Videos: How to Devote Yourself to an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-17: Brilliant, cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 18 Dedicate Solutions to Eco-political Global Problems, Environment Global Problems

International Eco-political Problems - Eco-political Global Problems - Environment Global Problems: Dedicated Marvellous Pioneering Solutions to World's Eco-political Problems and Political Delusion Caused by Political Failure to Save Your Life Contained on Videos: How to Engineer a Progressive International Revolution? Episode 1-18: Brilliant, revolutionary, environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English for veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 19 Deliver Objective Solutions to Electronics Global Problems

International Electronics Problems - Electronics Global Problems: Delivered Mind-blowing Solutions to World's Electronics Problems and Political Dilemmas Creating Climate Change to Save Your Life Created on Videos: How to Ensure a Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-19: Revolutionary, environmental, cultural and geopolitical brilliant lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 20 Demonstrate Solutions to Entrepreneurs Global Problems, World's Entrepreneurial Problems

International Entrepreneurial Problems - Entrepreneurs Global Problems - World's Entrepreneurs Problems: Demonstrated Miraculous Solutions to World's Entrepreneurial Problems and Political Disasters Creating World Fragility to Save Your Life Defined on Videos: How Do You Establish a Progressive International Revolution? Episode 1-20: Dynamic, environmental, cultural and geopolitical revolution lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 21 Describe the Solutions to World's Ethical Problems, Ethics Global Problems, World's Morality Problems

International Ethical Problems - World's Moral Problems - Ethics Global Problems - World Ethics Problems - World's Morality Problems: Described Phenomenal Solutions to World's Ethical Problems and Political Disruption Creating Global Dissatisfaction to Save Your Life Delivered on Videos: How to Fuel a Progressive International Revolution? Episode 1-21: Creative revolutionary environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 22 Design Objective Solutions to World Racial Problems, Ethnicities Global Problems, World's Ethnical Problems

International Ethnical Problems - World Races Problems - Global Racial Problems - World Ethnical Problems - Ethnicities Global Problems - Racism Global Problems: Designed Pioneering Solutions to World's Ethnicities Problems and Political Failure Created by Classic Governments to Save Your Life Demonstrated on Videos: How to Guard the Principles of an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-22: Pioneering innovative cultural, environmental, and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 23 Detail Solutions to Address Free Economy Global Problems, World Free Economy Problems, Free Market Global Problems

International Free Economy Problems - World Free Economy Problems - Free Economy Global Problems - World Free Market Problems - Free Market Global Problems: Detailed Powerful Solutions to World's Free Economy Problems and Political Foam Created by Irrational Politics to Save Your Life Described on Videos: How to Lecture on Preparing an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-23: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical creative lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 24 Develop Solutions to Geopolitical Global Problems, World's Geopolitical Problems, Politics Global Problems

International Geopolitical Problems - Geopolitical Global Problems - Politics Global Problems - World's Political Problems - World's Politics Problems: Developed Radical Solutions to World's Geopolitical Problems and Political Havoc Created by Poor Planning to Save Your Life Designed on Videos: How to Maintain the Infrastructure of the International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-24: Innovative environmental, cultural and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Dynamics 25 Discuss Solutions to Health Global Problems, Sanitation Global Problems, World's Health Problems, Healthcare Global Problems

International Health Problems - Health Global Problems - World's Healthcare Problems - Healthcare Global Problems - World Sanitation Problems - Sanitation Global Problems: Discussed Rational Solutions to World's Health Problems and Political Hegemony Created by Insufficient Transparency to Save Your Life Detailed on Videos: How to Organize the International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-25: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

International Revolutionary Dynamics 26 Donate Solutions to Intellectuals Global Problems, Scholars Global Problems, Thinkers Global Problems

International Intellectual Problems - Highbrows Global Problems - World's Mastermind Problems, Scholars Global Problems, Thinker Global Problems: Donated Global Remarkable Solutions to World's Intellectual Problems and Political Illusion Caused by Political Hegemony to Save Your Life Developed on Videos: How to Plan an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-26: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 27 Draft Solutions to Tackle International Terrorism Global Problems

Universal Terrorism Problems - "International Terrorism" Global Problems - Terrorism Global Problems: Drafted Revolutionary Solutions to World's International Terrorism Problems and Political Insecurity Created by Lack of Credibility to Save Your Life Devoted on Videos: How to Plow the Ground of International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-27: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 28 Educate the Solutions to Les Misérables Global Problems, Misery Global Problems, the Miserables Global Problems

Universal "Les Misérables" Problems - "Les Misérables" Global Problems - World "Misérables" Problems - Misery Global Problems, The Miserables Global Problems: Educated Splendid Solutions to World Les Misérables Problems and Political Madness Created by Capitalist World Fund to Save Your Life Discussed on Videos: How Do You Prepare the Mechanisms of an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-28: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 29 Elaborate Solutions to Address Literary Global Problems, World's Literary Problems, Literature Global Problems

Universal Literary Problems - Literary Global Problems - World's Literature Problems - Literature Global Problems: Elaborated Staggering Solutions to World's Literary Problems and Political Mayhem Created by World Bank to Save Your Life Educated on Videos: How to Preserve the Gains of an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 1-29: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in English by veteran activist, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 30 Elucidate Solutions to Address Media Global Problems, Journalism Global Problems, The Press Global Problems

Dynamic Solutions to the Press Media Global Problems, Which are Causing Mental Global Problems and Panik in Arabic

Universal Media Problems - Media Global Problems, Journalism Global Problems, The Press Global Problems - World's Journalism Problems - World's Press Problems: Elucidated Strong Solutions to World's Media Problems and Political Mess Created by Political Fraud to Save Your Life Established on Videos: How to Provoke an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-1: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 31 Engineer Solutions to Medicine Global Problems, World's Medical Problems

Universal Medical Problems - Medicals Global Problems - World's Medicine Problems - Medicine Global Problems: Engineered Stunning Solutions to World's Medical Problems and Political Shallowness Created by Epidemics to Save Your Life Explained on Videos: How to Set up an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-2: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

Universal Dynamics 32 Essentialize Solutions to Mental Global Problems, Minds Global Problems

Universal Mental Problems - Mental Global Problems, Minds Global Problems - Intellectual Problems - World's Mind Problems: Essentialized Substantial Solutions to World's Mental Problems and Political Superficiality Created by Political Illusion to Save Your Life Featured on Videos: How Do You Spark an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-3: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary, journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 33 Evaluate Solutions to Nature Global Problems

World's Nature Problems - Nature Global Problems: Evaluated Accelerated Successful Solutions to Global Nature Problems and Political Vortex Created by Political Insecurity to Save Your Life Fulfilled on Videos: How to Stimulate an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-4: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical insightful lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 34 Expand Solutions to Peace Global Problems

World's Peace Problems - Peace Global Problems: Expanded Adaptive Super Solutions to World Peace Problems and Political-Religious Terrorism Created by Capitalist Governments and International Terrorism to Save Your Life Introduced on Videos: How Do You Streamline an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-5: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 35 Explain Appropriate Solutions to Address Personal Freedom Global Problems

World's Personal Freedom Problems - Personal Freedom Global Problems: Explained Thrilling Solutions to Global Personal Freedom Problems and World Chaos Created by Political Hell to Save Your Life Outlined on Videos: How to Take Control of an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-6: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 36 Facilitate Solutions to Psycho Global Problems, Psychology Global Problems

World's Psychological Problems: Psycho Global Problems, Psychology Global Problems - World's Psycho Problems: Facilitated Tremendous Global Solutions to World's Psychological Problems and World Collapse Created by Political Madness and Manipulation to Save Your Life Prepared on Videos: How to Talk about an International Progressive Revolution? Episode 2-7: Revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical lessons in Arabic by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 37 Familiarize Practical Solutions to Science Global Problems

World Science Problems - Science Global Problems: Familiarized Unique Global Solutions to World's Science Problems and World Confusion Created by Political Irrational Planning and Instability to Save Your Life Produced on Videos: How Do You Teach the Methods of an International Progressive Revolution? Climate Justice, Episode 1-1, Insightful cultural, environmental and geopolitical revolutionary lessons in English by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World's Dynamics 38 Focus on Solutions to Security Global Problems

World's Security Problems - Security Global Problems: Focused Wonderful Distinctive Global Solutions to World's Security Problems Caused by Political Superior Powers to Save Your Life Streamed on Videos: How to Unleash a Progressive International Revolution? Climate Justice, Episodes 1-2: A course with a revolutionary cultural, environmental and geopolitical vision by veteran activist, visionary journalist, poet, short story writer and novelist Khaled Muhammad Othman:

World Dynamics 39 Generate Objective Solutions to Social Class Global Problems

World Dynamics 40 Globalize Solutions to Social Media Global Problems

World Dynamics 41 Grant Solutions to Social Global Problems

Asian Dynamics Address Ethnicity Global Problems

World Dynamics 42 Identify Solutions to Social Sectors Global Problems

Socialist Dynamics Solve Social Class Global Problems Pertinent to Working Class Struggle

World Dynamics 43 Illuminate Solutions to Superstition Global Problems

World Dynamics 44 Illustrate Solutions to Technology Global Problems

World Dynamics 47 Inspire Solutions to Water Global Problems

Communist Dynamics Solve Political Shallowness, Which is One of the Global Problems

World Dynamics 48 Invent Solutions to Working Class Global Problems

World Dynamics 49 Integrate Solutions to Working Class Global Problems

World Dynamics 50 Internationalize Solutions to "Wretched of the Earth"'s Global Problems

Pioneering Solutions to Global Problems Related to International Terrorism in Multilingual Dynamics

Multilingual Dynamics 1 solve wars global problems and structure the evolving outlines of international peace

Bilingual Dynamics 2 solve water global problems - global water problems

Multilingual Dynamics 3 Helps Solve Arms Global Problems - Global Armament Problems

Bilingual Dynamics 4 provide solutions to cultural & political global problems

Everything in the following sections is NOT about me. It's meant to learn from 

Plans to Revive Climate & Solve the Global Problems of the Environment

To eliminate the global problems of the ecological world and tackle environmental degradation, I came up with the idea of the martyr tree and led the Eritreans to plant more than 5,000,000 martyr trees in Eritrea

To address the ecological global problems, I transformed the idea of the Eritrean Martyr Tree into the Sudanese Martyr Tree

To solve ecological global problems and tackle environmental degradation & bring about a progressive revolution in Sudan like the Eritrean revolution, I created the Sudanese Martyr Tree 2

To solve environmental global problems and solve environmental degradation & transform the Sudanese revolution from right-wing to left-wing, I created the Sudanese Martyr Tree 3

To get rid of the shallowness even of intellectuals, which is one of the global problems, I mobilized the Sudanese revolution for many years, but it failed due to lack of political awareness

I prepared 3 mechanisms for the Sudanese revolution, guided by the dynamics to solve religious global problems caused by international terrorism, which has been developed by the Muslim Brothers Party of Sudan

I exposed the Sudanese Muslim Brothers Party, the founders of international terrorism, to solve global problems & prevent from having more global disasters

An Invitation to Comment on Global Problems

I neither advocate nor support violence, because the world's political problems can be solved peacefully. The peaceful path to solve global problems is well explained by the LPE of the ERA of the Masses.

***** The form above is for signing up to receive the cultural and political newsletter, and the following is for writing C2 comments on GLOBAL PROBLEMS. Your political opinions are much appreciated.

I invite you to the leading solutions to the global problems, whether they are economical, environmental, health, political, or religious that threaten our lives.

Write comments about the global problems, especially those associated with global warming, epidemics, global warming and international terrorism and go up to the Action Guide to join the world's leading solutions to those global problems. There are concrete ways to become a leading revolutionary figure and fight with me to save the earth.

You must know something honest regarding this sincere call to action, which is that, I do not and will not appreciate violence and therefore I do not advocate it, or advise it, or support it. I believe that the world's political problems can be resolved peacefully. So I laid out the peaceful path quite well in the foundation of the LPE of the Masses' Era. So, join it to be that leading revolutionary figure and save yourself and yours and the globe.

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C2 Comment entries on Global Problems, which come with groundbreaking & leading solutions to global crises, which are at the same time solutions to global religious-political problems appear in the page sections below the comments form.

Please, make sure to express your concern about the global problems by commenting on global political and religious problems and by joining the network to implement the ground-breaking solutions to global problems.

***** It will be better to listen to the extraordinarily long political experiences, please... I dedicate my life to helping you save yourself and the people you love from the global problems that began to develop after the end of the Cold War Era.

I am offering you systematic methods for doing this and solving global problems. So, you don't have to let these great efforts gone with the wind.

Take action as I explained in the Action Guide. Contact me to tell me that you are interested in this extraordinary global mission to solve global problems and save the world from the international terrorism created in the framework of operations that led to ending the Cold War Era and that you will devote a few hours a week to working on this system of salvation. Thank you.

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