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The Masses Must Do the HOA Climate Change Math!

HOA Climate Change is HOA's Dynamics regarding the environmental situations that have followed after climate change with the disappearance of the snow from many snowing lands, which has also followed by the spread of epidemics, such as the last one coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. - HOA Climate Change: HOA Climate Change Requires Governments Change! The era of classic systems of classic political parties comes to an - HOA Climate Change: HOA Climate Change Requires Governments Change! The era of classic systems of classic political parties comes to an end by the economical, political and social crises they have created globally.

Well, this is one of the principle dynamics in Horn of Africa's Network, which has been covered in more than 90 bilingual articles until now and the list of HOA's Climate Change insights is growing.

Do You Refer Nature Crises to God? Jeez!

The fact is that, everything happens in nature has many reasons. Blind and of course unscientific people refers that to God, as saying God is angry because of the corruption of the earth and the sins people commit. What is meant is the corruption and the sins of worshipers by means of the Holly Scriptures.

Many ignorant politicians are biased by personal interests and they have personal intents, which they use in investing in crises. They use the claim in reference to God to remain in power and keep the folk obedient, according to their understanding and according to what many of the folk believe, such as any disobedience to the ruler is a disobedience to God.

This has brought my attention through long years to the fact that so many people are simple people and they deserve hard efforts to be well-educated culturally to get them free from such control of sick corrupt leaders and the blind emotional dependency on them... a matter I have sacrificed my life in it taking it as a holly cultural, ethical and literary mission by other means to free the people from such claims and thus such blind emotional dependency on the "shadow of God on earth", which is the rulers, or the sheikhs, or the Imams.

Well, brought up children in well-cultured and secular families are somewhat free from such (influence of sick religious leaders). Every person is responsible of himself, or herself when s/he reached the age of knowing things better. According to psychological studies in which psychology is the science of mind and behavior that happens when people reach the age of knowing and reasoning. In the human evolution the mind evolves and becomes complete after the age of forty.

HOA Climate Change Sets up Mind Evolvement!

In some other cultures they consider personal self-reliance at the age of 18, which is wrong evaluation to the mental development of a person, as people in that age are still fragile. By other means, they don't know everything about real life and they have not much of lifetime experiences through which mind evolvement works.

At this level of understanding, HOA Climate Change, which is important segment of HOA's Dynamics has evolved through these segments to concentrate on the matter of the mind evolvement and educate the masses to build more self-reliance. That is not all.

The main educational process of the masses is political and this why the dynamics were first used to energize the local masses in Eritrea and Sudan to do the political math and the social math right and know what they they need to do in those regards. In the political area that came to setup the Sudanese revolution and in the social area that came to motivate the people to sustain the environment.

The Eritrean People are Open to Dynamics!

The dynamics worked good at the social area, as the environment activities were wisely planned by me, I am Khalid Mohammed Othman during the creation of the idea of the Martyr's Tree on the ninetieth in Asmara, just after the independence of Eritrea, which has resulted in planting more than 5,000,000 Martyr's Tree.

This is because the Eritrean people are so open to initiatives and sincere in public efforts, more than the Sudanese people do. Open minded people take the lessons from veteran political activists and journalists easier. They have also followed the idea of the Martyr's Tree, because the Eritrean media, where I worked for almost 10 years, has highlighted my journalistic works. I opened new gates for the media to get in unknown fields of journalism in the land through ton of interviews and reportages, especially those on children, children of the revolution, deaf, education, health centers, orphanages, sex education and women.

Some of my intentions to say this are the fact that I care about registering facts for history, as a journalist and well, I feel no one there cares about what I did. I heard lot of appreciations before, while I was there. But, nothing now through long years.

The Sundanese People are Not!

But, at the political area, although the dynamics have reached the point of the Sudanese Uprising, but many of the people still cannot get out of Halima's situation (Halima is a name of a woman), which is interpreted into "Halima is back to her old habit" and that is the habit of just believing and following corrupt political and religious leaders for many purposes. Does that seem like the collective mind of Sudanese people hasn't evolved?

The Sudanese people are good at making a revolution and then losing it. That maybe because many people want to be leaders although leadership is a scientific process, not everyone entitled to it, or acquire it. Young people don't hear well standing veteran political activists who have been sacrificing their lives fro the development of the masses.

The project of the Sudanese Martyr's Tree hasn't been taken seriously to mobilize the revolution and no one takes the suggestions of the way map of the revolution, so the revolution has failed and the same characters of the crises are playing still in the Sudanese political scene and dominating.

Halima is such stupid creature.

This is What I Meant at the Sudanese Political Area...

HOA Climate Change Dynamics to Evolve the Minds of Global Masses!

The dynamics are open globally to the global masses, because the concept of the masses, which I inherited from the Eritrean revolution during that time and the concept of the masses era I came with since the seventieth have been developing to work more for the people.

I ignored any personal interests to get anything personal from it. When the world fell after the Cold War and the balance of global power has struck, I got into a comma and became paralyzed. The following global crises after that hunted and hurt me more. Alcohol wasn't helping. I don't advise taking it to escape miseries.

Most of the people on earth are poor and simple people and they are indeed good people. The question is few people, compared with high figures of poverty, or just standard poor, or not at the edge of making a living are having wealth and enjoying life, investing on the other poor side. Among them, or by another expression at the top of them are of course the ruling elites everywhere.

Economical, political and social experiences prove that the implemented polices to leach the big margin between wealth and poverty, if we consider that they exist are poor. In fact there is none. Again the other implemented policies have led to more economical, environmental, political and social crises.

The paradox, which is odd is that the majority help making classic political parties and the classic political parties create more ruling elites and forget about the majority of people who elect them to power. This has revived me to come again to the concept of the era of the masses. But, the climate change was the factor of revision and thus involvement in the dynamics, especially when it causes many nature crises and pandemics.

The continuing disappearance of the snow and the last epidemics are the most vibrating to come up with more dynamics. This engagement is a mission of priority to me and it should be for the global masses to regain power by themselves.

In HOA Climate Change You Go Through the Dynamics!

HOA Climate Change Sets up Mind Evolvement... and here we go also through the dynamics, which are composed in some linguistic / bilingual articles, along with steps for the masses to do to start the political rally, or by other words the political campaigns. The posters are provided for this reason to distribute and fix in public places, everywhere:

Please, go through all of the dynamics to learn more. This is the first section of the HOA's Dynamics.

1- Eritrean Martyr's Tree!

It is obviously great help to the environment, But, beyond this, it has values also regarding the martyr's, their families, the revolutionary front and the state of Eritrea. It pays great attribution to all of this. The steps of this specific dynamic are explained, so the solid organizational foundations are available to benefit from, in addition to how to influence the masses to achieve their effective participation in this regard. The psychology of the masses is an important component of my mass philosophy. See link on this page.

This dynamic idea spreads to reach the world for everyone to take care of it by implementing the well taught methods on the given pages and best of all it comes in many languages, as you can read through the following index.

Bilingual Martyr's Tree Dynamics!


HOA Climate Change Dynamics!

HOA Climate Change Sets up Mind Evolvement... and here we go also:


You Might Like These Includes in HOA Climate Change...

In addition, you can watch movies on unsustained global environment, as explained by the dynamics of HOA Climate Change on

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