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Who Makes the Tragicomedy in the Horn of Africa!

Regarding the HORN OF AFRICA and without any prejudice, I say some leaders are just making the political situations worse in the area.

This fact proves that the nationals in this geopolitical area, which is called The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) have not benefited yet from their national independence!

The independence proves to be false! You can continue to understand this statement here at HOA.

Well, this page about the Horn of Africa is the first sitemap in the HOA's Political Scene Network.

HOA is abbreviation to the name of this region in the north east of Africa. Therefore, the first site map leads to many primary sitemaps and secondary or sub-sitemaps to make your navigation to this website easy. - Horn of Africa: Some leaders believe they will keep longer in power by spreading the fears of interior insecurity and international interference.

The page starts with preamble to this geopolitical area and then links to those primary sitemaps I have built here, as well as the secondary sitemaps reporters and visitors of the website and readers of the HOA's Political Scene Newsletter have built.

Enjoy your visit and take your time to read and comment on the political development in the area. If you do not wish to write in politics, you can write about your city, town or village through Any Beautiful City in the world here. See at the same time some beautiful cities in the area such as Gondar and Kordofan or Kurdufan here.

It is also very important to join the Horn of Africa's Cultural Network, the Horn of Africa's Political Network, and the Horn of Africa's Humanitarian Network through the form at the bottom of the page.

Any of these networks supports YOU. I AM QUITE SURE. I trust my intention and sincerity as I trust your abilities to change the negative picture we see everyday in the region. 

The Horn of Africa, Sitemap 1 Includes!

The First Pages on the Horn of Africa, Sitemap 1:

HOA's Political Scene: This is the home page. We publish news from the Horn of Africa in addition to researches and political analyses to the crises and the political development in the Horn of Africa.

HOA's Political Scene Blog contains the frequent updates to the Political Scene in the Horn of Africa. It reveals some political secrets and calls sophisticated people to get together.

Horn of Africa: You are reading this page now. Some leaders are just making it worse in the Horn of Africa and this proves that the Nationals have not gained any benefit yet from their national independence!

IGAD, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development is only an official political body that gathers conflicting leaders of states in the region. It is not a people's public organization.

USHA: We publish the USHA Project here to help folk in the Horn of Africa be well organized to achieve democracy, peace and prosperity and help the region compete with other modern societies in this world. The USHA Project comprises of comprehensive four projects we publish on other relevant pages.

Political Site Map: This is the sitemap 11 in the Horn of Africa's Political Network. It includes all the news and the political analyzing to the news in HOA. However, since the volume of political news and political analyses is great, we divided this sitemap into many other sitemaps.

HOA's Political Section is the sitemap 12. It indexes relevant content about the political development in the region, where students and researchers could find reliable information.

Political Scene: This page intends to highlight the events, encourage positive thinking and entice folk to shoot good solutions through logical political analyses to the events.

Political Inspiration: The Political Inspiration in the HOA's Political Scene is fascinating. The Political Inspiration Webpage highlights all the relevant inspirations in the region from Djibouti to Uganda.

Political Magic: In the Horn of Africa, the political magic of the political chair has strong effects on the ruling elites. It is not the magical moment to real development that counts, but the magic of the chair.

Political News: We publish fresh news and archived news here to connect the past to the present and get the ability to see the political development and the analyze it correct. You can read or comment on the political news regarding the political events in the Horn of Africa.

HOA Political Scene Newsletter: If you were interested in this website, read the HOA's PoliticalScene Newsletter to understand the political problems in the region. Use the Journal to be friend, connect with friends and discuss political problems in HOA.

Political Sense Journal: This is the site map 14 and covers hot issues in the Horn of Africa! It indexes most if not all of the newsletters. Its information bank helps you write political analysing, researches or prepare for high degrees.

Horn Africa's Network has many features to let friends who are burning because of the political issues of this area come together, share political opinions, or read for knowledge or make profits.

HOAs Cultural Project: The project explains all the mechanisms we need to succeed in building the other cultural projects. It highlights the Squadron of (any cultural activity available on earth) and maintains bringing those Squadrons together to formulate the entire cultural project. I want to push and help you push the history forward because I believe (the beautiful history starts tomorrow).

Horn Africa's Journalists: This is a journalists' platform. The platform supports the freedom of speech, HOA's Network and those who feed it.

HOAs Journalists: We established the HOAs Journalists' Store here to support journalists and freelancers in the region. The HOA's Project runs with other three projects to bring positive changes and improve the lives of journalists. However, the store begins first to support reporters in this network.

HOAs Journalists Project: I planned this project for journalists and freelancers from the Horn of Africa. If you were journalist or freelancer from the region, you may need to join the HOAs Journalists Project through the Horn of Africa's Journalists Network. It supports journalists and freelancers!

HOAs Poets: The HOA's Poets Store is one of the Horn of Africa's Projects. It helps poets to create beautiful world in the Horn of Africa. The designs I made for the store send a clear message demonstrated on high quality products to spread the word and gather some poets and unite them.

HOAs Poets Project: I operate HOAs Poets Project to unite poets in the region. When we get together and work under the Squadron of Poets, we could gather other intellectuals and save the Horn of Africa. The project is one of the dynamic projects that run under the comprehensive USHA project.

Squadron of Poets: In addition to HOA's network, HOA's journalists, HOA's friends, HOA's call, this page invites poets from the area to connect with this network and get published.

HOAs Refugees: There is relevancy to this project too with the other projects, since there are numbers of journalists, freelancers, poets and other intellectuals among the refugees. I am proud that I had been one of them because of my political views.

Therefore, I feel obliged to support them. The HOAs Refugees' Store supports refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) in the Horn of Africa. It runs with the other three projects in the HOA's network to fund reporters and other intellectuals who are refugees too.

Horn Africa's Friends intends to be platform for inspired people to get together, publish news, write political analyses and discuss important political development in the region.

HOA Calls all pastime classmates, teachers colleagues, friends and lovers to join the HOA's Political Scene, write about the area, write to each other and create or share the Action no. 007.

HOAs Videos are in different topics to colour different areas of entertainment and even make them prosperous. Share, tell us what you thing and ask how to use such thing to prosper.

HOA's Feedburners Feeds: Here is a web-technology that turns all pages in this network into RSS feeds, you can subscribe to it, import it through your browser to read or just read it on this page.

Politik: This page about the area is in Danish. It'll be interesting if you speak Danish. I have published also some other pages in Danish about Sudan in this regard.

The Need to Lead is just a self-mobilizing power to some leaders in the HOA! It leads to the distraction of the people in the miserable Horn of Africa. We analyze common political concerns here. There is nothing personal.

Superstitions: Do you believe in superstitions? The Horn of Africa is full of superstitious, although they spread from Nigeria across Sudan to India! They even nest in the political systems.

Comments: Use this page if you wanted to comment on political issues in the region that you do not see relevant pages to them in the sitemap 1. However, we moderate all political comments to see relevancy and trustworthy comments. It does not matter if you have another approach or point of view.

Forward HOA's Political Scene: You can let your friends know about the website and the newsletter through this page. You get some useful e-books to enjoy reading when you only forward HOA PoliticalScene to your friends.

International Political Media links to some sources to bring you the late news, highlights and some political analyses from around the world. You have a chance here to help the HOA Political Scene compete well with those giants in the International Media. Help yourself and your area in the region. Join one of the projects.

Contact Us at HOA's Political Scene, if you have any question in your mind, if you want to publish something about the Horn of Africa, or if you just want to build a business like this. You can use the "contact us" page to let us know your interests too. However, we delete and ban immediately any spam entries on this page.

Freelancing Fees: Here are some terms and conditions to consider if you want to work as a freelancer and provide HOA's Political Scene by news and political analyses.

The Other Site Maps in the Horn of Africa's Network!

The HOA's Primary Site Maps:

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 1: Horn of Africa.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 2: Djibouti.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 3: Eritrea.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 4: Ethiopia.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 5: Kenya.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 6: Somalia and Somaliland.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 7: Sudan and South Sudan.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 8: Uganda.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 9: Chad.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 10: Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 11: Political Site Map.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 12: Political Section.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 13: Humanitarian Network.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 14: Political Sense Journal.

The HOA's Secondary Site Maps:

HOA Political Scene Site Map 15: Write about HOA.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 16: Write about Djibouti.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 17: Write about Eritrea.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 18: Write about Ethiopia.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 19: Write about Kenya.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 20: Write about Somalia.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 21: Write about Sudan.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 22: Write about Uganda.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 23: Write about Chad.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 24: Write about DRC.

The East Africa and HOA's Readers Site Maps:

HOA Political Scene Site Map 25: Readers Write Good.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 26: Readers Write Comments.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 27: Readers Read Good.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 28: Comments.

HOA Political Scene Site Map 29: Readers Comment.

HOA's Newsletter Site Maps:

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 30, Horn Africa's Newsletters.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 31, Horn Africa's Bulletins.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 32, Horn Africa's Ezines.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 33, Horn Africa's Political Newsletters.

HOA PoliticalScene Site Map 34, Horn Africa's Journal.

The Eritrean Site Maps:

The primary site map 3 A, Eritrea.

The primary site map 3 B, Eritrean Political Articles.

The primary site map 3 C, Eritrean Forums Online.

The primary site map 3 D, Eritreans Write Online.

The primary site map 3 E, Eritreans Love Commentaries.

The primary site map 3 F, Eritrean Political Comments.

The primary site map 3 G, Eritrean Humanitarian Topics.

The secondary site map 13 B, Eritrean Refugees.

The secondary site map 17, Write about Eritrea.

The Somali Site Maps:

Primary Site Map 6 A, Somalia and Somaliland.

Primary Site Map 6 B, Somali Arabic Comments.

Primary Site Map 6 C, Somali Political Articles.

Primary Site Map 6 D, Somali Political Forums.

Primary Site Map 6 E, Somali Political Comments.

Secondary Site Map 20, Write about Somalia.

The Sudanese Primary Site Maps:

Primary Site Map 7 A, Sudan and South Sudan.

Primary Site Map 7 B, Sudanese Political Articles.

Primary Site Map 7 C, Sudanese Arabic Political Articles.

Primary Site Map 7 D, Sudanese Economical Forums.

Primary Site Map 7 E, Sudanese Cultural Forums.

Primary Site Map 7 F, Sudanese Forum.

Primary Site Map 7 G, Sudanese Forums.

Primary Site Map 7 H, Sudanese Regional Politics.

The Sudanese Secondary Site Maps:

Secondary Site Map 21 A, Write about Sudan.

Secondary Site Map 21 B, Comments on Sudan.

Secondary Site Map 21 C, Sudan Online.

Secondary Site Map 21 D, Sudanese Online.

Secondary Site Map 21 E, Sudanese Regime's Political Crimes.

Are you a Top Gun in the Media, or Just an Ordinary Reader?

Here are Some More Activities to Do:

** Intellectuals, join the HOA's Political Scene Network through the form below.

** Subscribe to HOA's Political Scene Newsletter and confirm your subscription by clicking on the confirmation link in the email I will send you when you fill the form at the top left column.

** Let all people you know visit this page and encourage them to join the network and to subscribe to HOA's Political Scene Newsletter when you Forward HOA's Political Scene to them through the link above. You can encourage them through the big box in the form to subscribe to the newsletter or join the network.

** Share this page with your services through the buttons below, at the left column or at the bottom of the page.

** Follow the lines in the next box.

** Upload photos from any beautiful place in the Horn of Africa at Any Beautiful City at the linked site above. But here, upload political pictures, or pictures of some events with your input in the form below. Many thanks.

Use the following form to join this network. Let us connect to help you. However, this form is only for serious people who want to make a difference in the region. You should fill it completely if you want to join.

HOA's Comprehensive Projects

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You can use the following process to submit your review, article, comment or anything political from any country in the region. Remember this is a Horn of Africa's Network. When you submit this form, please elect to receive emails from me notifying you of replies to your input and download Your "Thank You Gifts" for filling this form.

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Do you have a great story about or from the Horn of Africa? Share it! Note that you can use the forms in this platform to comment and write about political topics in the Horn of Africa. Some pages about other countries may fall out of this map. However, they may have some impacts on some countries in this map. You can use the same forms anyway to comment or write about them too.

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هذا الخبر غير صحيح، انما هو فبركة جداد الكتروني سوداني 
لاضاءة ما يرد في هذه الصفحة لابد من القول ان ما ستقرأه هنا هو نفي لما ورد في صفحتي Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 139: آخر الأنباء الخطيرة في استراتيجيات …

آخر الأنباء الخطيرة في استراتيجيات القرن الافريقي الدولية 
القرن الافريقي مرّة أخري، المدخل للاستعمار الجديد من بوابة (ارتريا واثيوبيا) دخلت تركيا ومصر والدول الامبريالية الصومال والسودان كانتا محطتين …

Look Angry to the Crises in HOA! 
No one will ever urge that the crises we see, hear or read about in the Horn of Africa are something triggered and shaped specially to this eastern part …

Joint American Yemeni Troops Operate in HOA! 
Dramatic expansion of the war against terror or descriptively called counterterrorism has taken another phase spreading from Afghanistan to the Arabian …

We Want to Empower the People in the Horn of Africa! Not rated yet
The political mistakes done by emperors, false revolutionary groups and military religious dictators present heavy burdens for the Horn of African people. …

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Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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