HOW MUCH does Facebook pay you when you spend a lot of time to make it a billionaire while you're poor? Do you want to conquer FaceBook, Google, or any social you are using and make them pay you hard currencies for using them? That has a DYNAMIC SYSTEM. Contact Me! GET INSIGHTS ON HOAS ABOUT FACEBOOK.

Learn Dynamics from Dynamic Perspectives!

The Dynamic Perspectives go through methods to let you understand what has happened and still happening to our world and how you can react positively to all of that by leading the way to the solution of today's global problems.

The perspectives, as you see are not limited to understanding today's global problems, through long time experiences with such problems and analyzing them to reach a solution. But, they put you in a good position to work actively with others in you community to establish political frameworks of the masses. The political frameworks are the ones that establish new political systems.

According to my political experiences while working with the masses, I have discovered methods to influence the people and lead them to follow some methods, while working in some projects I planned and reach the goals of these projects. You can go through these projects on the sections of the page.

They are examples to learn from, how the Dynamic Perspectives work to lead you all the way, so you can focus on the goals explained through the dynamic ideas and follow the proper steps to achieve the goals.

While the perspectives highlight the global problems and analyze them, they offer the best initiative ever made in this age to solve the problems. In fact there is not any initiative that has been made and proved that it has concrete answers to todays' problems along with the best solution.

While I analyze the problems, I highlight the origins of these problems and the causes, and then I reach a solution. This is a normal work of an aware mind. Therefore, you will see all of that following through the sections of the page.

The process has a historical followup to the changes that has happened in the world. The changes are political, territorial and social. These changes with their mentioned specifications have been followed by weather changes. The weather changes has in turn turned or followed by health changes. The health changes have been caused by epidemics. The epidemics have spread following the weather changes, or what's known as climate change and global warming.

You should know that there is nothing like that could happen coincidentally. Nothing like these problems could happen accidentally. I affirm.

So, for all of these reasons I have developed the dynamics of the era of the masses and the systems of the masses. The initial work of these dynamics has started with the following dynamic perspectives, which has achieved some projects I planned and carried out by the masses.

You will understand the dynamic perspectives better, when you go through these dynamics and the photos.

The Dynamic Perspectives Influenced the Eritrean Martyr's Tree ...

The Dynamic Perspectives Influenced the Sudanese Revolution ...

The Dynamic Perspectives Influenced the Sudanese Martyr's Tree ...

The Dynamic Perspectives Influenced the 3 Mechanisms of the Sudanese Revolution ...

HOA's Dynamic Perspectives in Other Languages!

* Malay: - Idea Dinamik: Masalah global yang anda lihat di televisyen dan yang anda baca di surat khabar dan majalah mempunyai sebab lebih banyak daripada yang anda dengar daripada pegawai pemerintah klasik yang ditemubual. Apabila anda melihat perubahan iklim dan apa yang berlaku setelahnya, anda akan menyedari fakta kukuh mengenai kesan perubahan iklim dan bahaya pencairan salji. Anda akan menyedari bahawa keseimbangan sistem ekologi dihancurkan oleh dasar-dasar "elit pemerintah parti politik klasik".

The connotation of the Malay description is: The global problems you see on television and what you read in newspapers and magazines have more reasons than you hear from the classical government officials interviewed. When you look at climate change and what happens next, you will realize solid facts about the effects of climate change and the dangers of thawing. You will realize that the balance of the ecological system is shattered by the policies of the "ruling elites of classical political parties".

* Malay: - Perspektif Dinamik Melayu: Anda juga akan menyedari bahawa hanya ada satu cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah ini dan cara itu adalah dengan menghapuskan "sistem klasik" dari "elit pemerintah parti politik" dan melancarkan "sistem massa", yang akan mewujudkan "era massa".

The explanation of this Malay description is: You will also realize that there is only one way to solve these problems and that way is by eliminating the "classical system" from the "ruling elite of political parties" and launching a "mass system", which will create a "mass era".

* Malay: - Pemikiran Dinamik Melayu: "LPE of the Masses Era" adalah tulang belakang dari "era massa". Kaedahnya, yang konsisten dari 3 segmen memegang beberapa unit pada setiap aspek kehidupan. Ia menyediakan peta jalan bagi intelektual untuk menjadikan semua orang intelektual dan memperbaiki segala-galanya dalam kehidupan.

The insights of the Malay description are: The "LPE of the Masses Era" is the backbone of the "mass era". The method, which is consistent from 3 segments holds several units in every aspect of life. It provides a roadmap for intellectuals to make everyone intellectual and improve everything in life.

* Malay: - Pendapat Dinamik Melayu: Strategi dan taktik itu melibatkan dua bidang fungsional yang harus dilalui oleh "massa". Yang pertama adalah kawasan organisasi dan yang kedua adalah pelaksanaan. Kedua-dua kawasan organisasi dan kawasan pelaksanaan mempunyai program, yang berfokus dalam membangun "sistem massa" untuk menggantikan "sistem klasik" dari "elit pemerintah parti politik klasik". Oleh itu, ucapkan selamat tinggal kepada pihak-pihak tersebut dan terima kasih atas apa yang telah anda lakukan.

The interpretation of this Malay description is: The strategies and tactics involve two functional areas that the "mass" must go through. The first is the organizational area and the second is implementation. Both the organizational and implementation areas have programs, which focus on developing a "mass system" to replace the "classical system" of the "ruling elite of classical political party". So say goodbye to those parties and thank you for what you have done.

The Dynamic Perspectives Exposed the Conspiracies of the Muslim Brothers, the Founders of International Terrorism ...

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* Watch how Climate Change has damaged many beautiful places with Dynamic Perspectives on documentary film at You can also read about the destructive impacts of Climate Change at

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