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Sudanese Advantages of Politics!

The Sudanese advantages of politics since the Independence Day from Britain in 1956 are summarized in the Sudanese privileges of politics. The advantages of politics turn into privileges of politics in Sudan.

The Sudanese political advantages, which the Sudanese people have seen since the independence from Britain in 1956, but ignored them, are all turned into Sudanese political privileges taken by the leading elements of the Sudanese political parties, to benefit from them and distribute and share them with their families and their allies.

As for those who do not understand this statement, you will certainly understand it, dear ones, when you read this page about the political advantages and the other political episodes, which discuss the political dilemma in the Sudanese political scene.

To do this, follow the sections of the page, including the introductions.

Intro to Index 8, Episode 8: Sudanese Advantages!

The Sudanese political advantages page is a continuation to the Sudanese political administration. It is episode 8 in a sequence of Sudanese political articles, Sudanese Arabic political articles, Sudanese commentaries and Sudanese comments.

So, Sudanese Administration is episode 7. The Sudanese Commentaries and the Sudanese Comments are also episodes in this sequence of articles. I am hesitating to give them numbers, because many other episodes could come out on the alphabetical and numerical construction of the episodes. The wise understand what I am saying.

This is what gets the HOA Political Scene the advantages of being bilingual network for the Horn of Africa. It already covers the entire African region, along with Chad and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), because they have some impacts on Sudan. The main bilingual directory, which indexes the bilingual section of the network is the Arabic HOA Political Scene.

It comes in a series of episodes in a sequence of Sudanese articles in English and Sudanese articles in Arabic. The advantages of outsourcing have make it possible to layout the organization of the episodes in this sequence for our loyal readers to have all the advantages of online education, which is in politics, although we don't have classes here.

The loyal readers have already acquired the advantages of quantitative data, which they have taken, with the advantages of reading from the organization of the Horn Africas Network to have complete data to use for their studies. This source becomes important for them to get the advantages of qualitative researches.

So, they established such kind of entrepreneurship with no obligation, because they are sincere and thus they build a directory for them in simple pages. The wrote many articles at Readers comment, readers read good, readers write comments and readers write good.

As the Sudanese Advantages here is attached to other episodes, so the "Sudanese Activities" is episode 6. Episode 9 is at "Sudanese Adversity", episode 10 at "Sudanese Advices", episode 11 at "Sudanese Advocacy", episode 12 at "Sudanese Affairs".

There are more than 200 episodes in this sequence alone on the HOA Political Scene Blog Network. As you see from the numbers and the alphabetical order of the second terms after the term Sudanese, the sequence comes in a good construction of alphabetical and numerical order

This lays the foundation for other similar sequences for the other states in the Horn of Africa. This is a Horn of Africa's Network, as you know.

Index 8, Episode 8: Sudanese Advantages of Civilian Dictatorship!

This should be the "Sudanese Advantages of Democracy". Ya Allah, they call it democracy!

The Sudanese advantages of politics have turned into privileges of politics for the ruling elites, whether they were in the Sudanese civil governments of what's called democracy in Sudan, or in the Sudanese military governments of what's called Sudanese dictatorial regimes.

For the Sudanese civilian governments, they have benefited from the Sudanese advantages of politics offered by the Sudanese privileges of politics to those who ruled Sudan. All this was reflected in the luxury life enjoyed by the symbols of the ruling civil authority.

The members of the civil authority have benefited from the advantages of the Sudanese politics and the privileges of the Sudanese politics and distributed their shares to their loyal followers.

They also shared that with the rich Sudanese families, which has contributed to the budget of their electoral campaigns and benefited afterwards from the opportunity to control the Sudanese economy.

The masses of these political parties in power, which are in fact poor masses, did not enjoy any of these Sudanese advantages and privileges that were available to the members of the authority and the rich families.

The poor voters had nothing of the Sudanese advantages and privileges of politics, although they voted for the parties in power and contributed to the winning of their elections.

All that was offered to these poor masses was crumbs from the rulers' tables. Ironically, these poor people were used to cut off from their own savings, which were too small to provide as charity and vows to those who died from the rich families of the ruling authorities.

Some poor Sudanese people were forced to work in the fiefdoms of the ruling feudal families, influenced by religious beliefs that say, "the free work for these gentlemen in their homes and their lands leads to paradise".

For all this, I say that the Sudanese advantages and privileges of politics have already persecuted the Sudanese people in three periods during the rule of the Sudanese sectarian parties.

This is a clear civil dictatorship?

As long as that is the case of democracy, how can the dictatorship be?

Index 8, Episode 8: Sudanese Advantages of Military Dictatorship!

My Sudanese children ...

Understand the tragedy, and the political tragicomedy in Sudan, and even the ridicule of the Sudanese political theatre that lie between democracy and dictatorship.

What democracy has done should not be missed by anyone. At this point you'll understand that it wasn't more than a civil dictatorship.

What the military dictatorship did was that it was affected by what the civilian dictatorship did.

The military dictatorship still has allies from the rich who influenced and possessed everything with the help of the dictatorship, as well as allies from those who took control of the Sudanese economic markets and contributed to the deterioration of the national economy and staged the military coup.

These allies by name are the members of the Muslim Brotherhood (the Sudan wing), which is the base of the so-called Islamic National Fron (NIF)t, which is one of the bases of al-Qaeda in Sudan.

All of this must have been fully understood now, because it is not only the truth, but everything that I Khalid Mohammed Osman have been saying and explaining for many years, so that the overall benefit is from it.

Between the Paradox and the Sarcasm of the Terms Advantages and Privileges!

From these political lessons, my reader knows that the advantages of democracy in Sudan have turned into the privileges of the dictatorship in Sudan.

It is clear to you, by now that the values of the two terms "advantage" and "privilege" have very frightening transformations in the Sudan.

It is also clear to you that even the advantages of federalism have been transformed into the privileges of the leading figures who took over the federal authorities in the Sudanese regions.

The advantages of federalism have also turned into special interests for their families and loyalists and transformed these users into a new capitalist class with all of the advantages of entrepreneurship that exacerbated Sudan's economical problems.

Index 8, Episode 8: Sudanese Advantages!

* Sequence 1, Episode 8: Sudanese Advantages: Are You Intellectual 8: عليّ وعلي أعدائي سياسة متهورة لنظام السودان الديكتاتوري


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