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Nile River and Political Tension in the Horn of Africa

by Nathan Belay Abtew
(Toronto, Canada )

Nile River and Political Tension in the Horn of Africa

Nile River and Political Tension in the Horn of Africa

When I start to think of writing this article, it takes me to my thesis which was conducted in 2014. The title of my MA Thesis was "The Socio-cultural Aspects of Building Climate Resilience on the Highlands of Blue Nile Basin".

In this ethnographic research, I had the chance to interview how the highlanders of the Blue Nile basin perceive Blue Nile River.

For some, it is just a Holly Water that no one should use it neither for irrigation nor for any purpose of consumption. For some others, it is a gift of God, which collects all other supportive rivers and provide life for the rest of our neighboring countries: Sudan and Egypt.

The Gojjam Highlanders have great respect for Egyptians. Especially, priests and customary religious teachers know the value of Egyptian civilization and its contribution to the horn of Africa.

In terms of diplomacy, Ethiopian politicians had long lasting intimacy with Egyptian leaders as well as to the rest of Arabian world. Their influence was visible on the eyes of the rest of the world.

In terms of building social capital, Egypt played significant role in the horn of Africa. For instance, the question of finding the one supernatural power that today's Christians called God, came from Greek philosophers who first learned from Egyptian priestess and mathematicians.

Thousands of scientists and thinkers from Egypt were very much interested to come to the Ethiopian highlands. When Christianity was taken as dominant religion in different parts of civilized states, Egypt was the first country to share this religion to Ethiopia by sending bishops.

Like wise, Ethiopian philosophers had the chance to share their wisdom to Egyptian priests and philosophers. In today's known Egyptian pyramids, we can find thousands of Ethiopian contribution that recognized architects and thousands of laborers who participated in the construction process.

All these long-lasting interwoven relationships among Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt is naturally and permanently connected through Blue Nile River. The existence of this river in the Horn of Africa is a symbol of life.

For Ethiopians, Nile River is beyond water. For Ethiopian patriots, Nile is a natural weapon which hides them during any form of possible attacks. For the sick, it is the Holly water. For artists, it is a natural musical instrument plus a wide range of beauty.

Far from these, Nile is the sole powerful source of Electricity which enlighten the Horn of Africa. For a country which is living in the darkness, Nile is like a morning sun light that all Ethiopians are waiting for its blossom.

In the same way, for Egyptians, Nile is their life. Their food and drink comes from this river. Egypt without Nile is empty land out of life.

Todays, political and military stress in the Horn of Africa emanates from the above interests. Egyptian leaders are not interested to see the need of Ethiopians and the same is true for Ethiopian leaders.

Sudan on the other hand is playing undetermined role. In such kind of political stress, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt will be the most victimized states in the region.

If there is no a win-win agreement, there will be bloody war in the region that northern and Horn of Africa will be vulnerable for all forms of political instability.

If the Nile war broke out in the region, there will be high risk of water pollution that Ethiopia will permanently eradicate the river from the region. This will end life in Egypt and in some parts of Sudan.

The writer proposes wise and all inclusive agreements to be done among Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. War will not be a solution for Nile River. If these countries work together on empowering the river by controlling climate change in the region, they can even export Nile water for the rest of the world.

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