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Love Verse Keeps the Home Fire Burning!

Love Verse keeps the home fire burning. It does that, absolutely in the textual, image and video content on the sub-category of love poetry in the HOA Political Scene Cultural Section. The verse of love also teaches you everything about poetry, helps you write affectionate poems and feels at ease and peace. It releases your spiritual energies .... and well, you will be right, if the home fire burning reminded you of Millie Jackson. Watch her somewhere near the end of the page.

Although the main poetry teaching is on videos and the related page, but you will see from the pieces of poetry and some explanations how to use the information to write poetry. The poetic pictures get you the inspiration needed to write not only romantic poetry, but surrealistic also.

Well, perhaps it will be the first time to know that there is a definition as such as surrealistic poetry, because surrealism has always been in fine arts. However, I used surrealistic pictures in words in my poetry since the seventies.

In addition of all of these values you get from the verse of love here, you will get to be sophisticated more to know that there is a connection between poetry and politics, through which we call political poetry.

More importantly as uo get the lessons on videos on how to write poetry, you get also to know the political problems the world encounter and know how you can solve these problems.

I started these two lessons together along with lessons that teaches you how to write short stories all together and in one time. How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 2

إستهلال القسم العربي من الصفحة

نماذج شعرية بشرح باللغتين العربية والإنجليزية

شعر الحب يحافظ على نار المنزل مشتعلة. وفي المحتوى النصي والصور الشعرية المصاحبة في مقاطع القصائد وفي مقاطع الفيديو في الفئة الفرعية لشعر الحب في القسم الثقافي للمشهد السياسي Political Scene HOA. تعلمك آشعار الحب أيضًا كل شيء عن الشعر، وتساعدك على كتابة قصائد حنونة وعلي الشعور بالراحة والطمأنينة والسلام. إنها تطلق طاقاتك الروحية .... حسنًا ، ستكون على حق، إذا ذكرتك مسألة الحفاظ نار المنزل مشتعلة بميلي جاكسون. شاهدها في مكان ما بالقرب من نهاية الصفحة.

على الرغم من أن تدريس الشعر الرئيسي يكون على مقاطع الفيديو والصفحات ذات الصلة، إلا أنك سترى من خلال القطع الشعرية وبعض الشروحات كيفية استخدام المعلومات لكتابة الشعر. تمنحك الصور الشعرية الإلهام الذي تحتاجه ليس فقط في كتابة الشعر الرومانسي، ولكن أيضًا في الكتابة السريالية.

حسنًا، ربما تكون هذه هي المرة الأولى التي نعرف فيها أن هناك تعريفًا مثل الشعر السريالي، لأن السريالية كانت دائمًا في الفنون الجميلة. ومع ذلك، فقد استخدمت صورًا سريالية في الكلمات في شعري منذ السبعينيات.

بالإضافة إلى كل هذه القيم التي تحصل عليها من آشعار الحب هنا، ستصبح أكثر تطورًا لتعرف أن هناك صلة بين الشعر والسياسة، والتي من خلالها نسمي ذلك الشعر بالشعر السياسي.

والأهم من ذلك، عندما تحصل على الدروس من مقاطع الفيديو حول كيفية كتابة الشعر، ستتعرف أيضًا على المشكلات السياسية التي يواجهها العالم وتعرف كيف يمكنك حل هذه المشكلات.

لقد بدأت هذين الدرسين في الشعر والسياسية معًا مع دروس تعلمك كيفية كتابة القصص القصيرة وحيث بدأت كل هذه الدروس معًا وفي وقت واحد. How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 12

Closing Clip from A New Adam

Our night extends the tale of the stranger

For the stranger, a tuft,

And a tuft that sleeps in the eyes of the moon,

Extends our legacy,

And every time it bends over,

In the edges of propensity,



And travel,

Groan an organ:

"Ahmed's Mother, grind the milked-cherry seeds". How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 6 Structure of Poetry

Enlightening Questions on the Closing Couplet of A New Adam

How does the night extend any story at all?

What is meant by this poetic line?

What is the intended trait in the first word and in the word joined to it?

How is the story of a stranger to a stranger a tuft, or a lock of hair?

And how does the night extends any legacy at all?

How does the night bend?

But how is the curvature in the terminals of propensity?

And what are these propensity axes?

How also does the night bend on the words joined to the word "tendency"?

How does the organ moan?

What does it mean to grind Umm Ahmad al-Mahlab, or by other words the milked-cherry seeds?

Or, are all these words poetic symbols with aesthetic connotations and images? How to Be Inspired to Write Short Stories?: Episode 1 - 1

كوبليه من آدم جديد

يمدّ ليلُنا حكايةَ الغريبِ

للغريبِ خصلةً

وخصلة ينام في عيونها القمر

يمدّ إرثَنا

وكلما انحنَي

في مطارفِ النزوعِ




أنّ اورغن:

- " يا أم احمد دقي المحلب" How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 7 Structure of Poetry

أسئلة تنويرية حول آدم جديد

كيف يمدُّ الليلُ أيَّ حكايةٍ علي الإطلاق؟

ما هو المقصود من هذا السطر الشعري؟

ما هي الخصلة المقصودة في الكلمة الأولي وفي الكلمة المعضوفة عليها؟

وكيف تكون حكاية الغريب للغريب للغريب خصلةً؟

وكيف يمدُّ الليلُ أيَّ  إرثٍ علي الإطلاق؟

وكيف ينحني الليلُ؟

بل كيف يكون الإنحناء في مطارف النزوع؟

وما هي مطارف النزوع هذه؟

وكيف ينحني الليلُ أيضاً علي الكلمات المعطوفة علي كلمة "النزوع"؟

وكيف تئن آلة الأورغن الموسيقية؟

وماذا يعني ان تطحن أم أحمد المحلب؟

أم ان كل تلك الكلمات رموز شعرية ذات دلالاتٍ وصورٍ جمالية؟ How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 8 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Love Poetry: Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 9 Structure of Poetry

How to Write Poetry, Including Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 10 Structure of Poetry

English Poetry: Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 11 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 1 Including Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 12 Structure of Poetry

Love Verse and Related Arabic Poetry 2 ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 13 Structure of Poetry

Love Verse Included in Related Arabic Poetry 3 ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 14 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 4 and Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 15 Structure of Poetry

Love Verse in Arabic Poetry 5 ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 16 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 6 with Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 17 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 7 and Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 18 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 8 Highlighting Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 19 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 9 Plus Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 20 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 10 Together with Love Verse ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 21 Structure of Poetry

Arabic Poetry 11 Together as well as Love Verse ...

  • HOAs Verse is a collection of imagery poems and poems on images well designed to enjoy. Read poetry, learn how to write it and print beautiful posters.

    HOAs Verse is Much Perceptible, to Make Lettering and Wording Tangible

    HOAs Verse is a collection of imagery poems and poems on images well designed to enjoy. Read poetry, learn how to write it and print beautiful posters.

  • HOAs Scripture is written in critique, essays, poems, quotes and short stories to enjoy reading and learning some techniques to improve your literary life.

    HOAs Scripture!

    HOAs Scripture is written in critique, essays, poems, quotes and short stories to enjoy reading and learning some techniques to improve your literary life.

  • HOAs Sacred Scripture includes essays, poems & short stories. So, in addition to literary inspiration with insights to improve literary writing, you'll learn to write poems.

    HOAs Sacred Scripture!

    HOAs Sacred Scripture includes essays, poems & short stories. So, in addition to literary inspiration with insights to improve literary writing, you'll learn to write poems. How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 22 Structure of Poetry How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 1 - 1 Structure of Poetry How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 2 - 1 Dancing in the Fancy of Roses and Lemon

Arabic Literature 1: Love Verse Inspiration Tends to Sophisticate Readers, Literarily ... How to be Inspired By Poetry to Write Poetry?: Episode 2 - 2 Dancing in the Fancy of Roses and Lemon

Love Verse Tendency in Political Poetry to Liberate Readers, Literarily ... How to Setup International Revolution? Episode 1 - 13

Love Verse Tendency in Arabic Novel 1 .. How to Be Inspired to Write Short Stories?: Episode 1 - 10

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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

احصل علي الرواية الآن واكتشف إنهيار القواسم المشتركة، واستلهم إبداعا يشبه الأسطورة في النص الروائي

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