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*在頁面上用阿姆哈拉語閱讀 Invitation to Comment 129: ገንዘብ ለማበደር ከጓደኛ ጋር የተደረገ ውይይት.
*在頁面上以阿拉伯語閱讀 Invitation to Comment 125: حوار مع صديق لإقراضي مالاً.
*在頁面上以丹麥語閱讀 Invitation to Comment: En dialog med en ven for at låne mig penge.
*在頁面上用法語閱讀 Invitation to Comment: Un dialogue avec un ami pour me prêter de l'argent.
*在頁面上用希臘語閱讀 Invitation to Comment 128: Ένας διάλογος με έναν φίλο για να μου δανείσει χρήματα.
*在頁面上以意大利語閱讀 Invitation to Comment: Un dialogo con un amico per prestarmi denaro.
*在頁面上用日語閱讀 Invitation to Comment 127: お金を貸してくれる友達との対話.
*在頁面上以西班牙語閱讀 Invitation to Comment : ¡Un dialogo con una amiga para prestarme dinero.

* You are at Invitation to Comment 126: 与朋友对话,借钱给我.

* Read the entry page at Characteristic Writing.

* Read the other cultural map at:

Arabic HOA| Arabic HOA Political Scene| Arabic Poems| Arabic Poetry| Arabic Short Story| Asmara| Assessment to the Skills and Competencies of Sudanese Abroad| Bilingual HOA| Caligula the Sudanese| Comment C2 Entries| حوار مفاهيم في واتساب جات - Conceptual WhatsApp Dialogue| Directive| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories| Etiolate Life| Final Resume| Flesh of the Night| Flesh of the Night Comments| Freedom Bells| Her Lips Draw the Dream| HOA| HOA Calls| HOA Political Scene Newsletter| HOAs Animation Gallery| HOAs Arabic Prose| HOAs Comprehensive Projects| HOAs Cultural Project| HOAs Design Gallery| HOAs Gallery| HOAs Imagery Poems| HOAs Images| HOAs Image Scripture| HOAs Journalists| HOAs Journalists Project| HOAs Literary Scripture| HOAs Literary Works| HOAs Literature|

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