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Does God Create Climate Change? Criticizing the Guardian

by Admin
(Keren, ከረን Eritrea)

In HOA's Common sense climate change, epidemics, hazardous waste, and bacterial chemical nuclear weaponry degrade our world

In HOA's Common sense climate change, epidemics, hazardous waste, and bacterial chemical nuclear weaponry degrade our world

A media report on the Guardian TV about Climate Change and the Cross brought my attention to this issue, as I am an activist and I started to work some environmental activities exactly at the time that followed the end of the Cold War Era, which I consider as the cornerstone to today’s problems.

Simple people tend always to refer natural phenomena such as weather change and the outcomes of hurricanes and tsunamis to super unseen power and not to the scientific causes of these natural phenomena. Isn’t that strange in the 21st century where academic education is claimed to be so developed?

Isn’t that strange also to see a great media like the Guardian promoting such backwards thinking just like this one that refers climate change to God?

Allah, Buddha, God, or whatever the name is has nothing to do with global warming, which causes climate change and climate change which causes pandemics. But, why great media sources that take care of independent journalism is doing that?

The answers are clear to any dynamic mind that thinks scientifically about such dangerous matters that expose our lives to great dangers. These media sources appear to lack credibility and transparency, because they try hard to manipulate the audience, so the audience will not know the real causes of the deterioration of nature, which is still happening.

It is still happening because of irrational policies that still violate the law of nature, since the end of the Cold War Era. Such violation has caused the collapse of the balance of the ecological system, which keeps nature and thus climate stabile.

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