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Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence!

Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence

Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence

Too many Eritreans, with the exception of veteran Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF), boast of their knowledge of the Eritrean cause and of the Eritrean struggle to liberate Eritrea from Ethiopian colonialism. They don't actually know everything, despite the information they've read in a number of sources, which can be flawed.

There is a lot that they do not know and only the veteran fighters of the Eritrea Liberation Front know, something I learned about through my contact with these veteran fighters and through my cooperation with the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) in the seventies.

There is ample evidence of what I am saying in the Eritrean sections of the Horn of Africa Political Scene Network, including "Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side", which is the source of what you read here, or by other words the completion of what you read here, the Eritrean forums titled "HOA Eritrean Political Forums Online Bring You Back to Patriotism", or by other words "HOA Eritrean Political Forums Online Bring You Back to Nationality". I mentioned this also while writing about "Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side" and the 16 Principles of Press Media that Make You a Professional Journalist.

But here I will give you one example: Do you know exactly why the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) emphasized the issue of self-reliance, and how it applied it?

Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence

"(Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence that reveal lack of national and political vision) is written without any indication of personal offence, as this is not my concern. My concern is related to how those people whom I criticize on public matters are really authentic and do they really have political ethics, or principles. So, all the matter is about what is useful for the people and the important issues of the people"

You certainly don't know that! I will tell you one issue about the truth of what the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) says about its self-reliance on its capabilities during the armed struggle to liberate Eritrea and its own philosophy so far after the liberation of Eritrea not to rely on other countries, or even international humanitarian organizations.

After Abdullah Jaber told me that Omar Bashir had gone to Khartoum and that he had been appointed to run the Eritrean People's Liberation Front office a few days later, he added that Omar Bashir had gone to run Eritrean trucks in Sudan. Abdallah Jaber said nothing else about the Eritrean trucks, perhaps he left that because of confidence in my intelligence.

Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence

"Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side: Socialist Dynamics: Cultural Environmental and Secular Geopolitical Strategies and Tactics of the Masses' Era by veteran activist and journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman to save your life from bad delusive politics: Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side: Does such lack of vision seem personal, professional, arbitrary trust, a try to get people who are forever loyal, banishing old militants, out of fear of old fighters, or what? Any way it was and still is reveals that it is the cause of many problems for this nice independent state."

I am not proud here of myself, because I have heard about this intelligence from many. So, it was not only from the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF). I rely here on your acumen to understand this historical combination of facts and historical connection. Such understanding will differentiate you from the other bad boys.

So when Abdullah Jaber referred to Eritrean trucks in Sudan, I understood the issue of self-reliance as an economic approach of the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) because it knew that dependency on others concerning the matter of humanitarian aid was conditional on other dependency on others like economical and political dependency. Viva Eritrea.

* You read Important Stations in the Eritrean Struggle for Independence!

* So, read the beginning of this political article on Lack of Vision on the Eritrean Presidential Side.

* I depend on your ethics and credibility when you write as an intellectual about matters that concern the people and don't be selfish, ignorant and biased about some people. Personal matters are not any of your business and don't violate the human rights of any person. So, tell the truth on what counts only regarding the issues of the masses. To work on this read the Action Guide on the provided pages and follow it step by step. To implement it completely, Contact Us.

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* Complete reading the Eritrean Sections of the HOA Political Scene on the following pages:

Eritrean Political Problems.

Eritrean Political Scene.

Ethio-Eritrean Wars.

Red Sea Paradise.

Eritreans Love Commentaries.

Eritrean Political Comments.

Eritrean Revolutionary Principles.

Eritrean Refugees.

Eritrea and NGOs.

Follow the comments on this comment entry, or the continuation I may add to it by clicking on "click here to post comment, or read comments". You will read about the ignorance and selfishness of some people who were appointed to work in the ruling party offices and you will be surprised about how such people who are not loyal to their people are appointed there. Some of them got refuge and they probably lied a lot to the UNHCR.

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