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Use the Sudanese January Revolution in Pictures to Decorate Your Place and Celebrate the Revolution Continuously!

The idea behind the Sudanese revolution in pictures is to read the descriptions of the Sudanese revolution posters and to take what you want to decorate your place, wherever it is, so you continue celebrating the revolution and remembering its principles every day.

The revolutionary message above is from the Sudanese freedom fighter and veteran journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman to the Sudanese nationalities in the Sudanese resistance movements and the Sudanese revolution in February. - The Sudanese January Revolution in Pictures - The Sudanese January Revolution in Pictures 1.

This is a revolutionary message from the Sudanese journalist Khalid Mohammed Osman to the Sudanese nationalities in the occasion of the Sudanese resistance movement and the Sudanese revolution in January.

It is also useful to think always of the long way the Sudanese revolution has gone through to achieve its goals, conquering all the pain and long sufferance, the failures and the solidarity and the limited planning and the comprehensive planning and participation.

This is the best thing to do ever, and be cautious of any attempts from what they call "counter revolution", so that your victories do not fail.

You know your Sudan is great... don't you? and you want it to be greater, so this is the way to be always awake to any conspiracies against your national goals.

Moreover, the Sudanese revolution posters are good to use and decorate your place and stay the revolution alive until you Sudanese clean your homeland from the dirt of the Muslim Brothers and the sectarian governments.

The Sudanese January revolution's pictures present the Sudanese national resistance movement from the day it is fueled up to the climax of the revolution... this is coming (inshallah) to be the first Sudanese revolution of its kind in the Sudanese political history.

Through a very long political struggle that lasted for more than 28 years, the Sudanese prove that they never tolerate totalitarian regimes and specially Islamic totalitarian regimes such as the Sudanese military religious regime of the indicted leader Omar al Bashir.

This devil regime, which we consider as the most harsh and violent of all Sudanese dictatorial regimes has been brought by a coup led by what was called the National Islamic Front (NIF) in 1989. This front is occupied by the Muslim Brothers of Sudan.

They came since that date by the most violent and criminal acts, all of which has been organized even among their students in the universities, such as Khartoum University and Sudanese high academic institutions.

The worst regime, which I call Caligula the Sudanese has extensive violent and political crimes (see the Sudanese Regime's political crimes and crimes committed by the Sudanese dictators) to include many regions, especially Darfur and to bring up some Darfur rebels in the Fur region and further move the international justice in the high Criminal Court to condemn the regime and issue the indictment and the arrest warrant of the ICC.

These violent acts include the crimes of Army Torturers in Sudan, crimes committed by Sudanese dictators, Darfur crisis, the crimes of the Muslim Brothers' Octopus in Sudan and the NIF's Political Crimes. For all crimes, please see the human rights in Sudan and the Humanitarian Network of the HOA Political Scene Network.

More Sudanese Revolution in Pictures!

The Sudanese revolution posters are good to use and decorate your place and stay the revolution alive until you Sudanese clean your homeland from the dirt of the Muslim Brothers and the governments of the Sudanese sectarian parties and repair the destruction they made to Sudan since 1956.

The destruction they have done to Sudan since 1956 is greater than you could imagine. The totalitarian civil and military governments in Sudan have planed well to keep the natives uninformed and illiterate through long decades so they can keep on controlling the power and wealth.

See Political Problems in Sudan| Political Tragicomedy in Sudan| Prosecute Both Civil and Military Governments| Psychology of Fear has Political Aims| Psychology of Fear has Political Aims Comments| Psychology of Fear Will Turn into Uprising in Sudan| Psychology of Fear Will Turn into Uprising in Sudan Comments|

What you really see here and there is that, this devil regime of the Muslim Brothers of Sudan has double faces (phases is correct too) and thus double functions in the government as what's called National Congress Party and in the opposition too by the name of the People's Conference Party of Sudan.

The problems created by those tyrants in Sudan are just more than genocides, tortures, kidnaping, raping and criminal acts against women and young girls, although these are the crimes that appear clearly here and there in Sudan and the news agencies report, as you can read in the Sudan News desk.

Yes, not only these crimes you read on the news, or you see, or hear about. But, the problems include unseen and sometimes unreported crimes, such as exposing the Sudanese nationality to everyone and selling this nationality to foreigners and terrorists among them.

That means they plan and prepare to invade the world by terror and more terror acts, while they open negotiations with the American Administration and the other European countries, deceivingly to blind these international powers.

Their plans go well until this moment, while the Sudanese State is now in complete disorder by the new year budget and the aggressive economical deterioration and the lack even of the entire system that could rule the state and most dangerously the intervention of Arab states in the interior policies of Sudan.

These are the most dangerous issues that threaten the Sudan as a state and the Sudanese people's existence. Such dangerous issues should be treated well by the Sudanese resistance movements and they require that the movements unite to gain victory over the tyrants in the government and to stop the intervention of the Arabs.

Well, there are many facts of the backgrounds of the Sudanese January revolution, which you can get through to the complete story at People's Movement, Sudan| Pick Up the Uprising Now| Are You Intellectual 53: اعتصام مدني سوداني حتي النصر| Are You Intellectual 64: العصيان المدني للشعب السوداني| Are You Intellectual 67: بيان قيادة ائتلاف شباب السودان| Are You Intellectual 68: بيان اللجنة القومية للعصيان المدني والتغيير (خلاص)| Are You Intellectual 71: مذكرة اعلان العصيان المدني في الخارج| Are You Intellectual 74: البيان السياسي لمجموعة (سودانيون - ابو دماك) للعصيان في الداخل ودعم العصيان من الخارج| Are You Intellectual 84: العصيان المدني الشامل بالسودان| Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 103: يوم الغضب السوداني الساطع| Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 103: يوم الغضب السوداني الساطع Comments| Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 111: اتحاد ابو دماك الثقافي يناشد منظمات حقوق الانسان بالضغط علي السعودية لتوقف ترحيل سودانيين للنظام الارهابي|

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قوى الاِجماع الوطني السوداني توجِّه بيـــــــــــــــــانا إلى جماهير الشعب السوداني| قوى الاِجماع الوطني السوداني توجِّه بيـــــــــــــــــانا إلى جماهير الشعب السوداني - Comments| الوضع الاقتصادي السوداني من سئ الي أسوأ | قوى نداء السودان ترفض محاولة النظام السوداني تحويل لقاء أديس ابابا التشاوري لمؤتمر تحضيري| خبير زراعي سوداني يحذر من تناول الطماطم ويقول انها تُصيب بالسرطان او الفشل الكلوي| Are You Intellectual 47: تدمير القرن الافريقي يبدأ من الخرطوم بانشاء المفاعل النووي الصيني| Are You Intellectual 48 - شركات اخوان مسلمين عشوائية تمتلك ولايات سودانية| Are You Intellectual 55: لا مخارج لنظام القمع الكيزاني ولا عفا الله عما سلف| Are You Intellectual 56: بيان جماهيري للشعب السوداني| Are You Intellectual 57: أي احزاب معارضة سودانية؟| Are You Intellectual 58: صيام من الكلام نص ساعة من الصمت وح تشوفو الولوله| Are You Intellectual 59: أخبار الحركة الجماهيرية| Are You Intellectual 60: احتجاجات على الزيادات الجديدة في أسعار السلع الإستراتيجية| Are You Intellectual 61: تواصل الحركة الجماهيرية| Are You Intellectual 62: 2 تواصل الحركة الجماهيرية| Are You Intellectual 63: الحركة الجماهيرية تواصل ٣| Are You Intellectual 65: حول بيع ممتلكات جمهورية السودان بلندنAre You Intellectual 66:عن السلطة احزاب سياسية سودانية معارضة تطالب الرئيس السوداني بالتنحي| Are You Intellectual 89: تفاعلات حركة الجماهير السودانية| Are You Intellectual 90: تفاعلات حركة الجماهير السودانية ٢| Are You Intellectual 91: تفاعلات حركة الجماهير السودانية ٣| Are You Intellectual 92: تفاعلات حركة الجماهير السودانية ٤| Are You Intellectual 93: حركة الصمود السياسي السودانية ١| Are You Intellectual 94: حركة الصمود السياسي السودانية ٢| Are You Intellectual 95: دون بشيروت... الدراكولا وأزمة الجوع الدموية| Are You Intellectual 96: لا تستجيبوا لاستفزازات النظام بالخروج الي الشارع| Are You Intellectual 96: لا تستجيبوا لاستفزازات النظام بالخروج الي الشارع CommentsAre You Intellectual 99: بيانات الاعتصام المدني السوداني ١| Are You Intellectual 99: بيانات الاعتصام المدني السوداني ١ Comments| Are You Intellectual 101: 1 نقاط تصلح لدستور انتقالي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 102: 2 نقاط تصلح لدستور انتقالي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 103: 1 وثيقة البديل الديمقراطي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 104: 2 وثيقة البديل الديمقراطي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 105: 3 وثيقة البديل الديمقراطي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 106: 4 وثيقة البديل الديمقراطي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 107: 5 وثيقة البديل الديمقراطي في السودان| Are You Intellectual 108: أخبار الحركة الجماهيرية في السودان| Are You Intellectual 109: المليشيا ترتكب مجزرة في نيرتتى في قلب دارفور| Are You Intellectual 109: المليشيا ترتكب مجزرة في نيرتتى في قلب دارفور Comments| Are You Intellectual 110: أخبار حركة الجماهير في السودان| Are You Intellectual 111: أخبار حركة الجماهير السودانية| Are You Intellectual 112: أخبار حركة الشعب السوداني| Are You Intellectual 133: جريدة الميدان وجماهيرها يدينون تجزئة السودان وبيع أراضيه للطفيلية العربية والسودانية| Are You Intellectual 134: التقارير الأقتصادية الأخيرة في الخرطوم تشير الي تدهور اقتصادي سوداني خطير| Are You Intellectual 135: وحدة المراجعة الداخلية بالمجلس الوطني تكشف عن مخالفات مالية وإدارية بحسابات البرلمان السوداني| Are You Intellectual 137: حلايب سودانية، واقعاً جغرافياً، ديموغرافياً، أثنياً، ولغوياً وسكانها لا يشبهون المصريين في شئ| Are You Intellectual 138: اللجنة المركزية للحزب الشيوعي السوداني تعرب عن دعمها الكامل لاضراب الصحفيين السودانيين| Are You Intellectual 139: عقار والقفز علي الرؤية للانتخابات في ٢٠٢٠م| Are You Intellectual 140: تشيئة الانسان في القرن الحادي والعشرين| Are You Intellectual 140 Comments: تشيئة الانسان في القرن الحادي والعشرين| Are You Intellectual 141: أنا عايزه أطمم بطن ناس زي ما مطممين بطنّا من امس| Are You Intellectual 142: السودان الذي جعله الكيزان شرموطة دولية في كل مكان| Are You Intellectual 143: الشارع السوداني يتحرك في انتفاضة يناير 2018م في السودان ولن ينهزم| Are You Intellectual 143: الشارع السوداني يتحرك في انتفاضة يناير 2018م في السودان ولن ينهزم Comments| Are You Intellectual 144: الاحتجاجات والتذمّر الشعبي يعُم السودان| Are You Intellectual 145: أسعار القمح في الأسواق العالمية في ديسمبر ٢٠١٧م| Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 44: ماهي طبيعة الانقسام في المؤتمر الوطني الحاكم في الخرطوم| Invitation 1 HOAs Friends 45 - 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رواية "الموتُ شرقاً" تكشف لك سرّ الموت الشرقي التراجيدي المستمر للإنسان

Sudanese Journalist, poet, write and human and political activist Khalid Mohammed Osman

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