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Why Should Somebody Lie to the American Administration?

by Khalid Osman

Why Did Fathi Aldaw lie to the American Authorities and wrote false CV indicating that he started his journalism career since the late seventies in Kuwait and sometimes in Iraq?

Look at this paragraph of his CV: Al siyasa, Al-hadaf Kuwaiti Newspaper, Kuwait 1979-1982
Freelance writer.
And read the complete CV at final resume.

The following lines with the links in Arabic and English answer this question, explain and highlight this issue and get the lights back to the first day Fathi Aldaw knew journalism and knew what to write.

It is necessary to say that everything here goes through my own journalism experiences, as the first person Fathi Aldaw should be thankful to for the principle role I played in the development of his career.

Telling lies and neglecting this role by repeating the lies in every political symposiums in many places in the United States means that it is an attempt to kill me professionally and this is was in fact what made me fed up in the past and chose to disappear for a couple of years from the political scene.

When I am fed up sometimes, even while working with serious matters, I quit doing the same thing for a period that could extend to be long. That happens when I see things that I have never expected to happen take place frequently at my work.

Those things happen even from friends and people I have built them their own careers in the media and even left them in my position to take my office and promoted them. I have never done that to get something back, or to benefit from it in the future in any way.

There are some resources to this information in Arabic at شيكاغو والهنود السودانيون| للكذب ثلاثة ألوان| قال محللين سياسيين قال| علمني هذا الإنسان النبيل| الكويت واحدة من أهم المحطات الصحفية في حياتي| السياسة… أه السياسة! الثقافة… آه الثقافة! الشفافية… آه الشفافية| من سرق حياتي؟| تداعيات الأزمنة الجديدة| نضال صحفي| معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة 1| معارك صحفية في الدولة الإرترية الحديثة 2| Asmara| Eritrean Anecdotes| Eritrean Chronicle| Eritrean Stories|

But, when I see that a given recognised name neglects all that I have done for him to be that recognized name, I should ask why!

The same story happens when I see some people I educated even to write editorials and translate well between local languages and curve eye-catching mainsheets being promoted to lead other media, while I continue sitting at the same position without even having someone to say thank you.

What a negative trend?

I do things frankly without expecting a return. I don't want to have someone to thank me. That is not my intention. My intention is about why neglecting my efforts and promoting other people I made professional. My intention is also to know why that person I have created as professional has never spoken or written in his books about his beginning!

Why he lied to the American administration and even the authorities of the American state of Chicago and wrote them a forged CV about being a journalist in Iraq since the late seventies?

I think that he has never thought or felt that by doing so he kills professionally the one who made him who he is.

* Have comments on this, or know facts about the professional journalism lives of the two people in this article, or any professional journalism life of any people you know?

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